Chapter 18: Shadow of a Girl

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Shadow of a Girl

Entry 10:

Percy looked up amazed. His hood was pulled over his head as he walked. Everyone walk on. Minding about their own business. Not knowing about the boy in the shadows.

Percy looked at the people's features. They had elfish features. They were tall, but strangely enough they wore jewels on their hair to represent their status in society. Percy had stuck around for weeks. Learning silently about them. They were a lot like Egyptians. Worshiping the higher titles and those who claimed to be like gods themselves.

So far, he learned about the king. And his lovely daughter. The princess of light. Although he did not learn much about her. She was what these people talked about.

He's heard about her unmatchable beauty. But that was it. He also learned that the sword was kept inside the castle. Mostly likely guarded heavily. It was something the king enjoyed having in his position. A very powerful sword.

Percy needs to get that sword to complete his training. He looked up at the giant castle. He hid silently in the forest right behind it. Which also held the royal road. Only royals traveled through here.

Percy looked around until he heard the familiar sound of horse hooves pounding the ground. Getting closer. He made sure his hood was over his head as he watched the carriage go right underneath the tree he was on.

He quickly acted, jumping onto the top of the carriage. The white stallions let out a loud shriek as they pounded their hooves loudly against the dirt floor. The driver looked back to the deadly looking assassin.

His eyes went wide. Never had an assassin tried to come to these lands. Why now? Fear consumed him as he jumped of the carriage and ran for his life. Leaving behind the royal inside. Percy knew exactly who was inside. He jumped off and opened the door. Inside was a confused princess.

The people did not lie when they said she was a great beauty. Her skin was pale, making her honey like orbs look at him with fear. While her black hair glittered with the gold and jewels waved into it. Percy's eyes didn't travel past her chin. He knew his boundaries.

"I need help. And you my dear princess will help me." Percy gripped her arm pulling her out the carriage. Ignoring her protest.

"Please let me go. I must return. I will be missed. I have to meet next man to hold the sword." She begged. The golden chains on her hair cling together.

"I need that sword your father has." Percy grunted out rolling his eyes. The princess gasped as her eyes travel to his back.

"That sword on your back. Why is it covered in fine ice?" She asked softly. Percy pulled her closer to glanced into her eyes. Tilting her head she stared back at him. Not with fear, but with curiousty.

Percy removed the sword from its sheath.

The princess gasped out loudly as she looked at the sword of darkness.

"Oh my..." She covered her mouth as she looked at the man before her in shock. Her eyes travel to the crystal around his neck. She stayed silent as Percy lead her towards castle grounds.

Silently she pondered over the matter at hand. She was always told that the wielder of the light sword would be her future husband. She glanced at the man pulling her towards her home.

Surly he was not aware that the sword choice the wielder. Or did he? If the sword of darkness chosen him. Can he wield the sword of light as well?

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