Chapter 22: Shadow of a Girl

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Chapter 22: Shadow of a girl

Entry 13:

Percy walked through the streets. He grimaced as he looked around. These people who suffered so much in poverty and hunger. While the rich stuffed themselves with so much and threw away the food.

He looked around as he hid in the shadows.

He looked around to see a young girl holding her stomach in pain. She was mostly skin and bones. There should be something he could do. He looked around. Suddenly he saw a young man walk towards the girl with bread in his hands. He too was thin. And the bread was small. Not enough for both. Percy watched as the young man gave the girl his food. He rose his brows in surprise. Not many would do that.

Percy watched as the young man smiled sadly at the young girl. The little girl devoured the bread, but still slow enough to savor the taste.

Percy watched as the young man. Who was around three years younger than him. Stood up and wished the girl a farewell. Percy watched as the young man neared him.

"Come here." Percy called out. The man—No boy froze. His shoulders up stiff, as he turned around. Thinking a guard had caught him sharing food. Which was something they were not allowed to do.

The young boy turned around hastily to see the man with a hood over his head.

"You are not a guard?" He asked in a soft whisper. Percy chuckled softly.

"No. I am not a guard." Percy looked at the young boy who was around the age of 15 or so. He scanned him and frowned.

"I'm Nova." The young boy's eyes went wide at the name that rolled off Percy's tongue.

"The famous Nova?" The young boy asked with fear. Percy nodded as he created an ice wall.

"Yes, Nova the assassin. But don't worry. I'm not here to kill you. I actually have a favor to ask of you." The young boy looked around unsure of what to say. Nervously he stared at Percy.

"I need you to gather as many people as you can. And tell them to meet you at that empty building by midnight. You might want to hurry. It is nightfall. And don't worry about the guards finding out. I'll take care of that." Percy pointed out towards a very large empty house.

"I trust you to do as I have asked. I have brought food to help you all." Percy gave him a small smile as he turned to walk into the shadows.

The young boy stood frozen in his spot. Once Nova had fully disappeared into the shadows. He made a rush for it back home. He glanced around to see guards posted everywhere. They sneered at the poor villagers.

Quickly he rushed to his small broken down home. To see his family eating the disgusting green soup.

"Ethan!" His mother shouted out surprised when he picked up his young sister with joy. Making her spill her soup on the ground. Everyone gasped out in horror.

"Quickly come. Leave that. And come with me." Ethan told his family. He quickly rushed them off from the ground. Helping them all stand.

"Come on mother, father. I assure you this is great news." He carried his little sister on his hip.

"Help me gather as many as possible. Tell them to meet me at the abandoned workshop by midnight." Ethan looked around in search for the night guard. Only to see none. He could hear none of their usually cheering.

Shadow of A girl: The enemy known as PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now