21 | old friends

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Luke was watching Michael with crossed arms, his head slightly cocked to the side and a wide smile on his face. Michael was standing before Luke, both of them beside Luke's locker. Michael was showing Luke all of the drawings he had done the night before and Luke was loving them.

"I think this ones my favorite"
Luke plucked out the beautifully spot on drawing of rowsky. Michael smiled proudly up at Luke.

"You can have it if you want"
Michael said.

"Thank you, baby"
Luke leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Michaels lips.

An unfamiliar voice called as Luke was putting his precious new drawing in his locker. Luke turned around at the mention of his boyfriends name. Luke furrowed his eyebrows as a tall, unfamiliar tan boy came walking up to then. Michael took a step back, his eyes wide as the papers in his hands fell to the floor.

"Oh my god, it is you!"
The boy smiled as he stood in front of Michael, smiling down at the boy. Michael looked up at Luke then towards the boy, opening his mouth to speak but shutting it as he turned and quickly walked away. Luke watched with furrowed eyebrows as Michael turned the corner, abandoning his drawings and even some notebooks. Luke looked back to the tan boy and raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know mike?"
The unknown boy asked as he bent down to pick up Michaels papers. Luke followed suit, gathering the belongings in his arms.

"He's my boyfriend, how do you know him?"
Luke asked as the two stood up.

"We used to go to school
together. I'm Calum. You are?"
The boy smiled, sticking his hand out for Luke to shake. Luke's eyebrows raised as realization crossed him. This was Calum. The Calum that embarrassed and scarred Michael. Luke narrowed his eyes, grabbing the papers from Calum and shutting his locker.

"That's the least of your
concern. Stay away from Michael"
Luke spat before he started walking away. Luke jogged to Michaels fifth period class and walked in, ignoring the states of the other students. Luke walked to the back of the classroom and bent down beside Michaels chair. The boy had his head on the desk, unaware of Luke's presence.

Luke softly called. Michael looked up, sighing as he met Luke's eyes. Luke softly brushed his thumb against Michaels cheek, giving him a small, warm smile.

"I'm sorry"
Michael whispered.

"He cant hurt you anymore. He can never hurt you ever again, I won't let him"
Luke said assuringly.

"Mr Hemmings, you aren't in
this classroom this period"
The teacher said.

"I love you baby boy"
Luke kissed Michaels cheek before getting up, setting Michaels stuff down on the desk Luke could faintly hear Michael saying it back as he walked out of the classroom.


"Ugh! I just can't believe he's back! And
he had the nerve to come up to me
and smile like he did nothing wrong!"
Michael yelled, groaning as he threw his pencil at the wall. Luke scooted towards Michael and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.

"Don't let him shake you up, baby. You have changed so much since then, look at you baby, you're so beautiful and so much more confident than you were back then. Plus, you have much better taste in boy's now" Luke said the last sentence with a smirk. Michael giggled, playfully nudging his elbow against Luke's ribcage.

"Seriously though, you are so much stronger than before. You've got me, and I will never let anyone hurt you without consequences" Luke assured, pressing small kisses to Michaels neck. The boy sighed, leaning his head back against Luke's shoulder.

"I love you Lukey" Michael said in a soft voice. Luke turned the boy around and cupped his cheeks, pressing a sweet kiss to the boy's lips.

"I love you so much, baby boy"

How Luke Loved MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now