20 | burgundy amaryllis

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Luke walked into the Clifford house, hushing rowsky as he softly shut the door.

"Hey Luke, there's a fresh pot of coffee
on the counter, I was just heading out"
Karen said as she somewhat rushed out.

"Thanks Karen, have a good day"
Luke smiled as he shut the door behind
the woman and locked it.

"Rowsky, come on, let's take you outside"
Luke whistled, the dog scrambling to his side. Luke chuckled, letting the dog out to the backyard. Luke shut the door and locked it, knowing rowsky would come in through the doggy door. He just wouldn't go out through the little door. Luke grabbed the smoothies he brought and put them in the fridge then grabbed the other two things he took out of his car and made his way upstairs. He entered Michaels room and set everything down on the table beside Michaels bed. Luke toed his shoes off and shrugged his jacket to the floor before crawling into Michaels bed, being cautious of where the boy was bruised. Luke climbed under the blankets and rubbed the boy's back, kissing his cheek softly. He cuddled into Michaels warmth, rowsky jumping onto the bed seconds later. The two quickly feel asleep beside Michael, feeding off of the boy's warmth.


After about three hours, Luke  slowly started to stir awake. His eyes fluttered open and focused on the empty spot beside him. Luke's eyebrows furrowed as he slowly sat up, stretching his limbs. The boy stood up and left the room, rowsky instantly running up to him and pawing at his legs. Luke walked into the kitchen and smiled when he saw Michael standing in front of the stove, making pancakes. Luke walked up behind Michael and wrapped his arms around the boy, kissing his neck softly. Michael giggled, turning his head to give Luke a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you for the flowers,
they're beautiful. Rowsky however
has taken my new bear captive"
Michael pointed down to where the puppy was softly nawing on the bear. Luke chuckled, shaking his head.

"What are you doing?"
Luke asked, burying his nose in Michaels neck. The boy slightly tilted his head, placing one hand on Luke's.

"Makin' breakfast for my boyfriend"
Michael said in a soft, sing song voice. Luke picked his head up and moved slightly to the right so he could see Michaels face.

"Should I leave before he gets here?"
Luke asked with a jokingly serious face. Michael rolled his eyes, smacking Luke's arm. The older boy laughed, kissing Michaels cheek.

"You're getting pretty
thin pretty quickly, baby"
Luke said, a bit concerned as he felt how much weight Michael had lost in the past month. Michael turned off the pan, turning to Luke and placing his hands on the boy's chest.

"I've been eating really healthy, not
starving myself but I've cut out a lot,
and I go for a run everyday. There's no
need to be concerned, I'm doing it right"
Michael said, smiling at Luke's concern. Luke nodded, pecking Michaels lips a few times.

"I love you just the way you are"
Luke assured, kissing down Michaels neck.

"I know, and I love you for that"
Michael said, sliding his fingers softly through Luke's hair as the blonde peppered kisses along Michaels jawline. Michael tilted his head to the side, giving Luke more access, which the blonde took advantage off.

"We should... eat before...
before the food gets... cold"
Michael breathed out shakily, his fingers tightening around Luke's messy blonde curls. Luke sighed softly, his eyes closed as he leaned his temple against Michaels cheek for a second. The blonde heavily sighed as he forced himself to pull away from Michael. The boy's carried their food to the living and sat down on the couch, Michael instantly cuddling into Luke's chest. The two ate their breakfast as they watched reruns of Catfish, making predictions and making each other laugh. Luke spent the entire day with Michaels, until 8 rolled around he had to go home.

How Luke Loved MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now