13 | school fights

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Michael got out of Luke's car and steadied his backpack on his shoulders. Luke walked around to the pink haired boy
and gently laced their fingers together. Michael blushed, walking closely beside Luke into the school.

All eyes were on them as they strolled the halls. Michael insecurely walked close beside Luke, his eyes barely ever leaving the ground as to avoid the stares.

"What's wrong, love?"
Luke asked as they approached Michaels locker. Luke leaned against it as Michael spun in the combination.

"Everyone's staring"
Michael whispered insecurely. Luke looked around at all of students who were giving them confused looks.

"It's okay, baby boy. They're just jealous that I have the most beautiful boyfriend
in the history of beautiful boyfriends"
Luke smiled softly, gently brushing a few tuffs of pink hair away from Michaels forehead. The shorter boy blushed, tilting his head down as his cheeks flared pink.

"Hey, Luke"
A voice called out. Michael looked up, subconsciously taking a step back from Luke. The blonde frowned slightly, but before he could ask a tall boy with shaggy curly hair was running up to them.

"Hey Ash, what's up?"
Luke smiled, wrapped one arm around Michaels shoulders, pulling the short boy close to his chest. Michael shyly played with the hem of Luke's shirt, his cheeks tinted a light pink.

"First of all, I need your biology notes,
and second of all, who is this cutie?"
Ashton asked, smiling down at Michael. The short boy blushed pushing himself against Luke.

"First of all, I'll give them to you at lunch, and second, this is my boyfriend, Michael"
Luke said, a bit possessively, his fingertips dancing over Michaels shoulder.

"Well you've got yourself one beautiful
boyfriend, just not as beautiful as mine"
Ashton winked, patting Luke's shoulder before walking away.

"That was a lie. No one could
be more beautiful than you"
Luke said, kissing Michaels forehead softly. The boy blushed, giggling quietly.

"I love your little giggle, it's so cu-"
Before Luke could finish his sentence, a loud group of boys came practically stampeding down the hallway. Michael instinctively moved closer to Luke as the boy stalked towards them.

"Would you look at this! The fattass
fag got himself a little boyfriend"
A large jock loudly said, catching the attention of everyone in the hallways. People quietly snickered as Michael took a step away from Luke, his head bowing as his cheeks flushed. Luke wasn't having it, his blood boiling as he gripped Michaels wrist and pulled the boy close, standing protectively in front of him.

"Shut your homophobic mouth before I put my fist in it, asshole" Luke sneered, the halls going silent. No one had ever really heard Luke curse, he was a straight A student and be always had a smile on his face, but when you mess with his baby you can't expect him to be civil.

"Oh really? I don't like threats, especially not from a fag like you" The jock spat. Luke clamped his
teeth together, his eyes shining with hatred and disgust. He had never liked that word. It was disgusting and vulgar when used in such a way.

"And I don't like disgusting, disrespectful and homophobic douchebags like you who make my boyfriend feel bad about himself" Luke spat, shoving at the jocks chest.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that, fag" The boy said, shoving at Luke's chest, causing the blonde to bump into Michael, leading to the pink haired boy crashing against the lockers.

"How about we stop talking then?" Luke didn't offer a chance for the jock to speak as he lunged forward and tackled him to the ground, slamming his fist into the jocks nose. Michael gasped, shrinking in on himself as tears sprung to his eyes. The jock shoved Luke to the floor and got on top of him, punching him in the face. Michaels breathing hitched, laboring as he watched the jock punch his boyfriend.

"What is going on?" A loud, firm voice yelled over the cheers and encouragement of other students. The jock got distracted, looking up at Mr Hawthorne- the biology teacher. Luke took the small window of opportunity and punched the jock in the face, shoving him down and punching him again, and again, and again. Michael stood back in complete fear, watching as Mr Hawthorne and two other boy pulled Luke off of the jock.

"That's enough!" Mr Hawthorne yelled as Luke struggled in his grip. Michael ran up to a seething Luke and wrapped his arms around his torso tightly. Luke's body almost instantly relaxed, his shoulders slacking as Michael buried his face in his chest.

"Shows over. Get to class!" Mr Hawthorne yelled, slowly letting go of Luke's arms. As students filed
away- the jock being helped to the nurse- Luke wrapped his arms around Michaels shoulders, whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he ran his fingers through the boys soft pink hair.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so so sorry" Luke whispered as Michael sniffled, his tiny hands gripping Luke's tee shirt.

"I need to take you to the principle" Mr Hawthorne quietly said, patting Luke's shoulder. The blonde slowly started pulling away from Michael, getting a whimper in response.

"Mr Clifford, call your mum and have her pick you up. I'll write you an excuse" Mr hawthorn said. The boy shook his head, tightly clutching on to Luke.

"It's okay, baby boy. Go home and I'll be there later, okay?" Luke assured.

"O-okay" Michael stuttered wiping his tearful cheeks as he pulled away from Luke. The blonde kissed Michaels cheek and nose before he was being led away by mr Hawthorne.

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