8 | first date

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Michael giggled, holding his hands in front of his face to block the popcorn that Luke was throwing. The blonde laughed quietly as he inched closer to Michael.

"Lukey stop"
Michael giggled. A soft yelp left Michaels lips as Luke wrapped his arms around the shorter boys waist and pushed him back onto the bed.

"I have trapped you and
I shall never let you go"
Luke made an exaggerated evil laugh
as he tightly wrapping his arms around Michaels midsection. Michael giggled, placing his hands on Luke's chest in a weak attempt to push him off.

"Hey Luke I-"
The two boys on the bed looked over at the door where Luke's older brother Ben was standing with a smirk on his face. Michael and Luke blushed profusely, sitting up and backing away from each other.

"Right, well, I was
just gonna say that Jack and I are
going out. Mum and dad won't be home
tonight so it'll just be you and Michael for
a few hours. Behave and use protection"
Ben explained. Michael blushed as Luke threw a pillow at his older brother. Ben laughed, closing the door before the pillow could hit him. Luke turned to Michael and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry about him, he's annoying"
Luke chuckled. Michael shrugged, pulling his sweater sleeves over his hands.

"It's okay. I've always
wanted an older brother or sister"
Michael said, crossing his legs
underneath himself.

"So you're an only child?"
Luke asked, laying on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows so he could see Michael. Michael hummed as he nodded, licking his lips as he stared down at his hands.

"Your mom didn't want any more kids?"
Luke asked, tracing the seams of Michaels sweatpants.

"I guess not. She kind of
focused all of her attention
on me and work when my dad left"
Michael explained. Luke frowned, pressing a small kiss to the boys knee where his fingertips were dancing along the seams.

"Do you ever see him?"
Luke asked. Michael shook his head, leaning his back against Luke's bedroom wall.

"He moved to Denver
when I was three. The last I heard he
got married to some women ten years
younger than him and had another kid"
Michael explained easily, like it didn't burn a hole in his heart to think about his father. Luke frowned, racking his brain for a way to make Michael smile again. Suddenly the blonde popped up, a light bulb going off in his head.

"Let's watch a movie. Mum
just paid the Netflix bill,
what kind of movies do you like?"
Luke asked, jumping up on the bed and turning on the large flat screen that was mounted on his wall. The blonde turned the PlayStation on and grabbed the controller.

"Anything's fine"
Michael smiled. Luke lined up all of his pillows and pulled his blanket off of his bed before sitting down with his back against the pillow wall. Michael awkwardly stood still as Luke started roaming through Netflix. After a few seconds Luke looked over at Michael and smiled softly, patting the bed beside him. Michael hesitantly crawled into the bed and sat beside Luke, pulling his sleeves down again

"Have you seen insidious?"
Luke asked.

"Um n-no"
Michael stuttered. The shorter boy didn't really like scary movies, he got scared far too easily, but this was his first date with Luke and he didn't want to complain. So he settled for silently shrinking in on himself as Luke pressed play on the movie. Michael bit his lip all through the first quarter of the movie, but it was progressively getting more horrifying. Luke was seemingly unfazed as he watched the movie. Michael thought he could get through the movie without screaming or completely hiding himself under the blankets,

But all hope was lost when a certain scary part came on and Michael found himself burying his face in Luke's chest. The blonde was slightly surprised, but simply wrapped his arms around the boys body, practically pulling the boy onto his lap. Michael whimpered softly, burying himself under the blankets as he cuddled into Luke's warmth.

"Do you want me to turn it off?"
Luke asked, pushing the blankets off of Michaels head, running his fingers through the boys fading pink hair.

"No. You can finish it. I'll just stay here"
Michael said, resting his head on Luke's chest. Luke smiled, kissing the boys head as he entwined their legs together. Michael sighed contently, his eyes fluttering shut as Luke ran his fingers through the boys hair.

Michael couldn't ask for a better first date.

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