7 | lilac roses

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Michael nervously bit his fingernails, pacing the foyer as he waited or Luke to come and pick him up. Michaels mother quietly came walking down the stairs, chuckling lightly when her eyes landed upon Michael.

"Baby you'll be fine. Don't worry"
She said, gripping Michaels shoulders to stop him from pacing. Michael looked up at his mother with worried eyes.

"What if this is a joke? What if
this is all just a prank? What is he's
just toying with me like Calum did?"
Michael cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks as he ran up the stairs. Karen could hear the door slamming just as the doorbell rang. The women sighed, pulling the door open, a shocked expression finding her face as she took in the tall blondes appearance; a bright smile, all too perfect hair, sweatpants and a black tee shirt, a large teddy bear and a lilac colored bouquet of flowers.

"You're Luke?"
Karen asked.

"I am. Is Michael home?"
He asked, biting his lip nervously. Karen sighed, walking onto the porch and closing the door so Michael would have no possible way of listening. Luke frowned, tightening his grip on the flowers and teddy bear.

"Is he standing me up?"
Luke asked shakily. Karen chuckled, shaking her head lightly.

"Luke, my son has been through a lot in his sixteen years of life. I won't tell you all that but you need to know that he's obviously insecure. He came home practically glowing the day you gave him that note"
Karen spoke quietly.

"He showed you that"
Luke blushed.

"He did. Look Luke, he's in his room right now, terrified that this is some prank or joke to hurt him. Please tell me it's not"
Karen said. Luke's eyes widened, his eyes trailing to the closed door.

"What? No, of course not! I really like Michael, I would never hurt him"
Luke shook his head, staring Karen in the eyes as he spoke genuinely. Karen nodded slowly, cracking a small smile.

"You hurt my
baby and I'll make you pay for it"
Karen warned before she was walking
back inside then upstairs. Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair and slightly tugging at it. The mental image of anyone hurting Michael physically or emotionally brought anger to Luke's veins and pain to his heart. He thought the boy was absolutely beautiful. Pretty and stunning in every way possible.

Luke's thoughts were interrupted by soft footsteps against the staircase. Luke looked up, his lips instantly curling up in a smile as his eyes settled upon Michael. His shorter frame was clad in a lilac colored sweater that coincidentally matched the flowers Luke had gotten, his short legs were hidden beneath light grey sweatpants, and his feet were tucked into all black vans. Luke smiled as Michael shyly stood in front of him.

"Well I can see you
two had the same color idea"
Karen chuckled lightly. The two
boys blushed.

"These are for you"
Luke blushed, holding out the
flowers and large teddy bear.

"Thank you"
Michael blushed profusely.

"I'll put these in water
and put this on your bed"
Karen said, gently grabbing the
flowers and stuffed bear.  She left a kiss to Michaels cheek before giving him a gentle push towards Luke. The blonde took the initiative to gently grab Michaels hand and entwine their fingers. Michael smiled softly, walking with Luke towards the blondes car. Luke opened the passenger door for Michael, smiling as the blushing boy got into the car. Luke shut the door before jogging around to the drivers seat. When he was buckled in and the car was on, a lightbulb went off in his head.

"I have one more thing for you"
Luke said. Reaching over and opened the glove box. The blonde pulled the object out and turned to Michael. Luke smiled, reaching up and placing the lilac colored flower crown atop his head.

Michael blushed, smiling brightly at Luke

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Michael blushed, smiling brightly at Luke.

"Thank you"
Michael smiled.

"You're welcome cutie.
Now let's get this date started"

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