3 | defensive

437 29 11

Warnings: weight shaming and bullying.

Luke sat in his assigned seat, finishing off his maths assignment. The worksheet was easy for him, he was naturally good with numbers and math because of his mothers love for the subject.

"Alright let's get someone
up here to work the first problem"
miss Connell said, looking around the groups of students. Her eyes settled upon the beautiful boy who was trying to hide in his oversized sweater. Luke had seen Michael doing the worksheet- at least trying to do the worksheet- and Luke could tell the boy was struggling. His tongue would poke out and he would continuously erase what he had done to start over. Luke doesn't think Michael even completed the first problem.

"Michael. Come up here and do number 1" miss Connell said, holding out a black marker. Michael froze, his cheeks turning an unhealthy Crimson color.

"Michael. Now"
Miss Connell demanded. The small boy slowly got out of his seat, slightly hugging himself as the kids in the class snickered. Luke frowned as Michael subconsciously tugged at the hem of his sweater.

"I-I-I d-don't kn-know how"
Michael stuttered under his breath. Miss Connell simply pointed to the board.

She insisted.

"B-but I don't k-know how"
Michael whispered, pleading with his eyes. The kids in the class snickered and whispered as they stared at Michael.

"Miss Connell he doesn't know where
to start. He doesn't understand it"
Luke defended, blushing slightly when Michael looked over at him.

"Mr Hemmings would you
like to do the problem instead?
Mr Clifford is just being lazy, that's all"
miss Connell said. Michael frowned down at his shoes, feeling insecure and embarrassed.

"Miss Connell this isn't teaching"
Luke stared as he slid out of his chair and walked towards Michael.

"Mikey should be encouraged and taught. Not ridiculed, embarrassed, and bullied"
Luke continued as he turned Michael towards the board and stood behind him. Michael blushed profusely as he could feel Luke's breath on the back of his neck.

"Add 7 to both sides"
Luke instructed, watching
Michael do as told.

"Now combine like terms"
The blonde said.

"Make the fraction a decimal"

"Now subtract that from both sides"

"Now solve for X"
Luke smiled as Michael completed
the problem. Michael smiled widely
as he turned to Luke.

"See. He got it right. All
he needed was a little guidance"
Luke said, turning to miss Connell
with a glare.

[weight shaming. Trigger warning]

"Yeah and maybe a treadmill"
Someone muttered. Luke slowly turned around, his soft blue eyes becoming angry and laced with danger.

"Who said that?"
Luke seethed through gritted teeth.

"I did. What the fuck are you
going to do about it? It's not like
the fat ass hasn't heard it before"
a boy in the back stood up. His blonde hair spiked slightly. Luke glared, slowly walked towards the boy.

"You have ten seconds to apologize"
Luke warned. The boy scoffed, walking towards Luke.

"Or what?"
He challenged. Luke chuckled dangerously, staring at the boy for a second before swinging his fist up and punching the guy straight on the nose. The guy stumbled, Luke taking that chance to push him against the wall and punch him in the stomach repeatedly, getting to knee him in the private area before he was pulled off by the other students.

"You ever talk about him like that again and I'll fucking kill you, you hear me?"
Luke yelled before he was dragged out of the classroom and taken to the principles office.

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