17| friends

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Luke tightly held Michaels waist, his chin leaning against the boys shoulder.

"Please, baby boy" Luke begged, gently kissing Michaels neck.

"No, Lukey. I have to study tonight" Michael said, giggling at the small tickle Luke's lips caused against his neck.

"You can study over at mine. Just come over, I'll be all alone tonight. You don't want your boyfriend to be lonely, do you?" Luke tried to persuade, his hands gently rubbing over Michaels hips.

"If I went over I wouldn't be able to study cause my boyfriend is too distracting"Michael giggled.

"I'll let you study, scouts honor" Luke said, holding his hand up as some sort of sign of his promise. Michael giggled, rolling his eyes as he closed his locker and turned to face Luke. He eyed the boy with squinted eyelids, pursing his lips before sighing.

"I'll ask my mum" Michael said. Luke cheered, gently grabbing the boys chubby cheeks and bringing him in for a kiss.

"She'll say yes, she loves me" Luke smiled cheekily, kissing Michael again. Before Michael could respond, the bell rang out, signaling time for class. Luke groaned, stuffing his face in the side of Michaels neck as people started leaving for class.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class" Luke said, taking Michaels books before grasping the boy's hand in his own.

"Lukey, my next class is three halls away from yours, you'll be late" Michael pointed out as Luke started guiding him towards his class.

"I don't care, I wanna make sure my baby gets to class alright" Luke shrugged, letting go of Michaels hand and wrapping his arm around the boys shoulder. Michael blushed, leaning in to Luke as they walked through the halls. Even though no one was paying much attention to them, Michael's insecurities made him believe all eyes were on them. The boy subconsciously leaned in to Luke, gripping the boys shirt tightly. Luke held Michael close, giving harsh glares to any who gave them a judgmental look.

"Meet me outside for lunch?" Luke asked as they approached Michael's class. Michael nodded, turning to Luke as they stopped just beside the classroom door.

"By the tree?" Michael asked.

"Like always" Luke smiled, he placed a gentle kiss to Michael's lips before walking off. Michael smiled to himself as he entered his classroom, awaiting lunch.


Michael walked shyly over to the large oak tree that was planted in the back of the school. Luke was sitting with three others people; a curly haired boy, a raven haired boy, and a blonde girl.

"Mikey!" Luke cheered with a wide smile, opening his arms for Michael. The boy shyly sat down beside Luke, placing his backpack on his lap to somehow cover up his insecurities.

"Michael these are my friends. Friends this is my wonderful baby" Luke introduced, pulling Michael close to his chest. The younger boy blushed, waving shyly.

"It's nice to meet you Michael, I'm Ashton and this is my boyfriend Calum" The curly haired boy said, pulling the raven haired boy close to him.

"Nice to meet you" Michael whispered with a warm smile.

"I'm Paige. It's nice to finally meet the boy who Luke never shuts the fuck up about" The blonde girl teased, shoving Luke's shoulder. The blonde blushed, rolling his eyes as he ducked his head into Michaels neck. The pale boy giggled, a blush coating his cheeks as he leaned into Luke.

"Look how fucking cute they are!" Paige exclaimed, taking a photo of the two boys who were hiding their faces in each other.

"Michaels coming over tonight and I'm gonna-"

"Let me study, because I have a big test" Michael cut the boy off. Luke rolled his eyes, waving the boy off.

"Then I'm gonna make him dinner cause I'm an awesome boyfriend" Luke said, kissing Michaels cheek. Michael blushed, leaning closer to Luke as he played with the grass. They chatted amongst themselves, Michael getting along great with Luke's friends.

How Luke Loved MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now