12 | red roses

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Luke smiled as he got out of his car, walking towards the trunk and pulling it open. When he opened the trunk all he could see was fluffy brown fur. Luke smirked happily as he pulled the large stuffed bear out of the trunk, throwing it over his shoulder so it wouldn't touch the ground. The blonde went to the backseat and pulled out the bouquet of roses, holding them close as he walked away from his car and up to the front door. With what little he could move his arms, he knocked three times on the door. A few seconds later Karen was pulling the door open and smiling at Luke.

"If you keep getting
these things for my son I'll have
to clear out an entire room for them all"
Karen joked as she let Luke inside.

"I can't help it. I see them and I immediately think 'Michael must have this' and the
next thing I know I'm paying for it"
Luke smiled innocently. Karen rolled
her eyes, kissing Luke's head.

"He's sleeping in his room"
She said before walking away. Luke smiled as he started up the stairs, holding the teddy bear closely as he approached Michaels room. The blonde quietly entered, smiling softly at the pale boy who was curled up on his bed. Luke laid the bear in front of Michael and set the roses on the dresser. The blonde walked over to Michael and laid himself down behind the boy, wrapping his arm around the boys chest. Luke pulled the boy close to him, nudging his nose against the back of Michaels neck. The younger boy stirred, whining in his sleep as his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning sleeping beauty"
Luke chuckled, kissing the back of Michaels neck. The pink haired boy giggled, placing his hand on the giant
teddy bear that took up practically his entire bed.

"They keep getting bigger"
Michael pointed out, pulling the bear close to him and pushing back against Luke.

"Did you have a good nap, baby boy?"
Luke asked, running his fingers through Michaels hair. Michael blushed at the nickname, a tiny broken piece of his
heart falling back into place.

"Yeah. What are you doing here?"
Michael asked quietly as he turned in Luke's grip, facing the boy instead.

"I came to see my favorite boy. You were sleeping kinda late, you doing okay?"
Luke asked, peppering kiss along Michaels chubby cheeks and his forehead.

"Mhmm. Stayed up late S'all"
Michael shrugged, cuddling into Luke's chest.

"Go back to sleep then baby. I'm here"
Luke whispered, kissing Michaels forehead as both of their eyes fluttered shut.

"Love you Lukey"
Michael mumbled.

"I love you too, Mikey"
Luke kissed his cheek once more before they were both falling asleep.

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