Falling For Him (Josh Hyland and Chloe Lukasiak Love Story/Dance Moms)

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As Brent walked me home, the awkwardness was all but gone. I could tell the silence was killing him, but I just let it be. I was lost in my thoughts, when he abruptly said,

"How could you kiss him tonight?" I should have know that was coming, but that doesn't mean I was prepared to answer.

"He kissed me." I say, conveniently skipping the part where I kissed back.

"You kissed back!" He snapped. I wanted to be angry with him for snapping, but I knew he was right. I could see the hurt in his eyes. The hurt that I caused. I still didn't understand why he was so hostile. He seemed fine moments before we left. Moments before I realized Josh would never love me. Moments before I was heartbroken. I could tell he was waiting for a response. I didn't respond with a 'Get over it' or a 'Just drop it okay'. Instead I simply stated:

"You're right". Then, I fled down the street with tears in my eyes. My vision was so blurred with tears, I tripped over a rock and fell. I'm such an idiot! I think to myself. How could I have been so stupid! I think again.

"You're not an idiot, and you are not stupid!" Brent says picking me up from the ground. I didn't realized he followed me or that I was talking out loud.

" I'm sorry for yelling". He says softly as I cry into his shoulder. I climb to get off of him, but he stops me.

"There's no way I'm letting you walk on you're own in this condition." He says gripping my waist gently. I began to protest, but he just grips my waist tighter signaling the end of my fight. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he carries me the rest of the way home. We reach my front steps, and he gently sets me down. He leans in this time without any interruptions. His soft lips connect with mine and it was nice. He breaks apart and mumbles something about getting home on curfew. He gives me one last killer smile, walks off the steps, and disappears into the night. I sigh and look down at my dress.It was ruined from the fall. I slip inside trying not wake anyone up. I go upstairs and strip out of the dress. I toss it on the floor not caring, because it was already damaged beyond repair. I put on my Victoria's Secret Pink shorts and a Hollister sweatshirt. Then I flop down on my bed and try to get some rest. As soon as I began to fall asleep I hear a knock on the back door. I contemplate whether I should bring a bat, but I realize no real intruder would knock. I peeked out my window and saw no one was there. But instead of a person, there was a note. Plain as day, stuck into the door. I sigh and get out of my bed. I walk downstairs, careful not to wake anyone, then pull the not through the door. It had my initials on it so I opened it.

- Chloe, Meet me in the front of the dance studio at 1:15. We need to talk. ------Josh

I look at the clock next to the back door and realized it was 12:50. The studio is about 15 minutes away by walking so I realized I should get moving. More than anything I wanted to stay in the house, go to sleep, and magically be done with this horrible night. But this night wasn't through with me.


Hi guys, I'm the new helper Morgan. My personal account is Username: missmj212. So whatcha y'all think???? I hope it was not terrible! But anyways a special thanks to K for letting me work on this with her! ----Byeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Falling For Him (Josh Hyland and Chloe Lukasiak Love Story/Dance Moms)Where stories live. Discover now