Ch.8: Zabuza Momochi, Sharingan, and Mini Flashback

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I nervously rubbed my neck and popped out from behind Sasuke. "H-hey w-what's up sensei.. d-didn't think I could fine you here..." I stuttered. 

"Sensei!!??" Kakashi shrieked. "Naomi!" 

"Hehe.. oops?" I questioned. 

Zabuza chuckled. "Still the same as ever, eh Naomi." I pouted. 

"That's not fair Zabu-sensei! I've gotten stronger! Just you see." I said with a grin. 

"You do know you're speaking with the enemy right?" Sasuke nudged me with a glare. I scowled. "Don't think I'm stupid, ass head. I know more about this man than all of ya'll ever will."

"Who is this man, sensei?" Naruto asked Kakashi. Kakashi sighed. "That's Zabuza Momochi. The ex-leader of the Hidden Mist Assassination unit. He's a master of silent kill." 

"Well let's fight him already!" Naruto yelled as he charged. Kakashi put his arm out and stopped him. "You're in the way! Get back!" he scolded. I walked up to Naruto and pulled him by his collar. 

"You idiot! He's not like other ninja. If he's our opponent, I'll need this."

"Kakashi Hatake, of the Sharingan. Did I get that right?" Zabuza taunted. I saw Sasuke tense at the corner of my eye. It wasn't much of a surprise to me since I already knew about it. I mean there's a reason he's called the 'Copy Cat.'

"No time to chit chat, I have to exterminate the old man." he said as he pulled his sword out of the tree. "Quick everyone! Manji formation.... I'm ready." Kakashi spoke as he pulled up his head band all the way. 

"Well, looks like I finally get to see the Sharingan eye in action. This is an honor."

"Sharingan? Everyone keeps saying Sharingan, Sharingan!! What is it?" Naruto exclaimed. I sighed as I spoke.

"Sharingan, a rare power passed down through the Uchiha blood line. It can predict any taijutsu, genjutsu, or ninjutsu just by looking at it. Reflecting the attack back on the attacker. Although its rare, even for a doujutsu or bloodline limit. But there's a lot more to the Sharingan. Way too much that would take hours to explain... and frankly we don't have time for that."

I finished the last part with a roll of my eyes. Sasuke shot a glare at me. How does she know so much about the power the Uchiha's had?? He thought. 

"You got that right, Naomi." Zabuza stated, "But only scratched the surface..."

"Yeah yeah I know I know. The Sharingan can also analyze an opponents technique and then copy it to the small detail." I huffed. Zabuza chuckled. 

"Still got the same attitude, huh?" I nodded gleefully. The mist suddenly started forming, blocking our vision.

"Oh this is not going to be good..." I muttered. A couple seconds passed by. No sound was made. Everything was silent. 

"Hey... is it just me or is the mist getting thicker?" Sakura asked. I groaned. "We can all see that, pink headed bitch. Now shut the fuck up or you'll all get us killed!" I exclaimed. She scowled at me.

Sorry Sakura fans! She'll get better! :)

"Eight points," Zabuza said from somewhere within the mist."Huh?" Naruto questioned. 

"Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart, now which shall be my  kill point?" Zazbuza asked himself. 

"Hmm I'd say the subclavian artery. It would make a clean cut. Know what I mean?" I randomly thought. "NAOMI!" my side practically yelled. I frowned. "Jeez, I was only trying to say my opinion..." 

Kakashi started battling with Zabuza and his clones. Being the idiot he is, told everyone to stay put. I hated how we couldn't help him out. Unfortunately, he got stuck in the water prison. Ahh I'm so used to being in that prison. 

I could remember those times as if it were yesterday when I ran into Zabuza.

Flash back.

Jii-san had just finished training me completely and I had already trained with Tsunade baa-chan from the beginning. Anyways, jii-san had sent me out for special training: travelling alone. 

Yeah, its  a bit weird. But in the ninja world, everything starts off when you're young. I was travelling alone along the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Water. It was broad daylight in the forest as I walked. 

I was probably 10 at this time. As I was whistling... you'll tend to notice I do that a lot. As I was whistling, I came across a small battlefield that was burned to the ground. I looked around cautiously as I noticed dead bodies here and there. 

I shrugged and walked off. Suddenly a bunch of ninjas came out of no where and started attacking. You would think that they would see who they were attacking first but nope... what a bunch of airheads. 

They didn't look to be any stronger than chunin. I smirked. No problem. I was in the mood of fighting. A dozen kunai's came to graze me with their blades. 

I took out a couple shuriken and perfectly aimed them so they could defect the attack. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" I blew out a bunch of hot fireballs all at once. 

"Ahh!" Some ninja screamed as their hands got burned. Since some chunins were Mist ninja, they specialized in water jutsus. 

"Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique!" 3 chunins yelled out and combined their attack. They opened their mouths and a huge gust of water came out like a tremendous wave, enfolding its enemy. 

I smirked as I had to stretch my neck back to see the high waterfall. "Nice technique... but not good enough. Lightening Style: Electromagnetic Murder!" I screamed as thunder started rolling in, darkening the skies. 

Btw! All jutsu's I say in this story are actual jutsus from either the Naruto anime or Manga. ^^

Booming thunder flashed down as the winds started picking up. I formed my hand to thrust a surge of electricity out of it and into the incoming water. What's the weakness for water users? Bingo! It's lightening. 

The lightening traveled at speed and shocked the water users until they hit the ground, dead. "Hmph." I patted the dust of my hands. Most of the ninjas lay dead. I saw one standing up, almost shitting in his pants. 

I tilted my head at him, as if I was some sort of maniac. I was about to take my kunai out until a huge sword slashed through him and his body split in half. 

I snapped my head towards the direction of where the sword came from. I saw two ninjas standing there. "Hey, you assholes took my kill!" I stomped my foot on the ground and pouted. 

One of them blinked and started laughing, while the other one raised an eyebrow at me in amusement. "That kid is funny." They started coming closer. 

I was considerably shorter than them since I was only 10 and they seemed in their mid twenties. "What's your name kid?" 

I scoffed. "Like I would tell two S-ranked criminals my name." One of them started grinning again. "The kid's feisty. I'll give her that."

"Hey do you think I'm stupid or something! Of course not. You're Zabuza Momochi, you're an ex member of the assassination unit in the Mist," I said pointing at the man with a covered face. "While you," I pointed at the other one, "are Kisame Hoshigaki, ex member of the Cypher Division (true fact) from the Mist. And both you are part of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist." I stated with a smug smile.

Kisame started laughing. "Got to admit, the little kid knows her stuff well. How do you know all of this anyways? It's quite unusual for a child." 

I took out the copy of the latest Bingo Book out of my weapons pouch and threw it at him. He caught it with one hand and looked at it surprised. "Interesting."

"Interesting indeed." Zabuza spoke up grabbing the book and flipping through it. "What's more interesting is a 10 year old such as yourself travelling alone in dangerous parts of lands? And killed off about 50 chunin ranked shinobi's and even got upset at us for killing the last one."

I nodded. "Of course. Since I'll take that as a compliment, I'll grace you two with my name!" I grinned. Both of them rolled their eyes. "My name is Naomi Suzuki. I'm the granddaughter of Jiraiya, the Sannin." 

Zabuza stared at me interest. "Hmm never expected you to be related to the Sannin. I've got an offer for you..." Kisame looked at him as if he had grown another head. 

"What?" he cluelessly asked. Zabuza shot him a glare and his glare said everything. "Oh! I get it now. I like that offer."

"Can you just say what it is already? I've got places to be..." I tapped my foot impatiently. Zabuza grunted in annoyance. "Fine. Train under us kid. For a year. Hone our skills and become our student." 

What? They're offering me to become their student. "What's the catch?" I asked suspiciously. They shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing really. We're just quite bored and have nothing to do..." 

Wow... a bunch of S-ranks have nothing to do. "Hmm fine. I think it will be quite enjoyable."

~Time Skip 5 months~

"No! You swing that way. No, not that way, this way!" Kisame exclaimed as he taught me how to use a katana. I was purposely trying to annoy him. 

I started giggling. "Ahaha your such an idiot Kisa-san. I already grasped how to use a katana the first time you taught me. I was just messing with you."  His eyebrow started twitching. 

"Uh oh...," I muttered. I started backing up and began to ran away from him. "Ah!! Sorry sorry! Don't kill me!" I screamed as I dodged all of his attacks from behind. 

I squealed as I was suddenly thrown over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN, KISA SAN!" He laughed and shook his head. "No can do squirt. You messed with me, and I mess with you." 


"Wooh, and there come's that cursing. How many times have I told you to not to curse. You're still too young." he scolded me like a father. I smirked and started hitting his back.

"O-ow! H-hey! Watch it Squirt- Ow!" he yelled.

"What are you two doing?" a voice asked. We suddenly stopped and turned to see Zabuza standing there leaning on his sword with a boy around my age.

"Hey! Zabu- sensei!" I yelled and jumped down from Kisame's back. I ran towards him and tackled him into a hug. 

"Oof! Watch it, squirt!" he scowled. I giggled. I turned to the boy and tilted my head. "So who's this?"

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