Kazuya Takishima

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Name: Kazuya Takishima

Picture to the side, but I don't own it. :)

Age: 13

DOB: June 1st

Rank: ANBU

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair with patches of light brown, intense forest green eyes with specks of gold, sharp jawline, and a nice nose. His hair is kind of a messy look, but it looks great on him. Also has a fit and muscle built body.

Personality: Calm, Serene, can be fun and playful when with his close friends, balances Ren's fiesty personality, has a good judge of one's character

- Best friends with Ren

Abilities: Earth Chakra Nature Type, strong points in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Sensor ninja

Likes: dangos, training, sleeping, etc...

Dislikes: war and other useless things, according to him

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