Ch.6: Survival Exercise and the Truth

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Naomi's POV

I woke up as the sun seeped through my window. Groaning I turned to see it was 9 am. I knew Kakashi was going to be late. It's part of his personality. 

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Once I came out, I just wore a simple robe and went straight to the kitchen. Screw Kakashi's words. Puke my foot. I never skip breakfast. 

I knew the others will definitely listen to his words, so I made some extra food. I packed some fresh fruit, onigiri, sushi rolls, and grilled meat in 4 bento boxes.

After I left those on the counter, I went to my closet and changed into my ninja clothes. I decided to straighten my hair today with a fire jutsu. 

It was now around 10:30 am. I left my home after feeding Jun and ran to the training grounds near the KIA stone. 

When I arrived I saw Sakura and Naruto sitting around arguing and Sasuke was leaning on a tree with his arms crossed. 

"HEY YOUR LATE!" Naruto yelled at me. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Is Kakashi here?" I asked. He shook his head. "Therefore I'm not late." 

I took out some onigiri and started eating it. "Hey you're not supposed to eat!" Sakura came in front of me with her hands on her hips. 

"Did you guys actually listen to Kakashi sensei??" I asked as I looked at all of their faces. "My god, you actually did? You guys are idiots."

They all glared while Naruto rubbed his neck knowing that I warned him yesterday. "How are you supposed to be at your best if you haven't even eaten yet! Bunch of morons." I tsked. 

POOF! "HEY YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura and Naruto yelled at Kakashi. Boy, those two yell a lot.

"Sorry I'm late a black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way around."


"Anyways, your assignment is simple." he took out three bells. "You have to take these bells from me before the alarm rings. If you can't get it, you will go without lunch and be tied to those posts and will watch me eat my lunch. 

Everyone's stomach rumbled, except mine. "This is why I called you a bunch of morons. You were supposed to eat, he was tricking you." I spoke up. 

Kakashi nodded. "Ready.. go!" The three of us jumped off into the woods to hid, while Naruto stayed behind. He stood in front of Kakashi sensei with his arms crossed. 

"You and me right now fair and square!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I completely sealed my chakra as I jumped from tree to tree. I saw Sasuke standing on a branch observing the mini fight.

I crept up behind him. "Sasuke..." he jumped in shock about to yell at me. I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Shh."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he glared at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"I hate you, you hate me, I get it. But we have to work together to retrieve those bells. It's the only way."

"Not a chance. You will only slow me down." he threw a kunai to Kakashi. 

"Sasuke, listen....! Shit." I muttered and flashed away to another hiding spot. I saw Naruto hanging from a branch and silently went to him. I cut off his rope. 

"Naomi chan!!"

"Shh Naruto! Be quiet. We have to work together to get those bells, try to understand Naruto! He's a jonin and we're mere genin." 

"Sorry Naomi-chan, but I have to do this by myself to become Hokage." He jumped off the branch and ran away. I groaned until I heard a scream. 

I quickly ran over towards the noise and found Sakura lying down on the ground unconscious. I knelt down and shook her. 

"Sakura. Sakura, wake up! You pink headed cotton candy, wake up!" I finally slapped her. She jolted up and started sobbing.

"S-Sasuke.. h-he was.." 

"Relax Sakura, it was only a genjutsu. Now we have to work together. Come one."

"No way! I'm going to help Sasuke-kun!" she stood up and ran off. I groaned again and kicked the ground.

"Why won't anyone listen!" I complained. I heard a chuckle and saw Kakashi standing there with a book in his hand. 

"It seems you have figured out the point of this test?" I nodded. 

"It's about team work. It's kind of obvious. Being in a squad, each member needs to learn how to work together or they will never become a true team. Those who abandon their team members are scum." 

Suddenly his eyes widened and he stared at me in shock. Did I say something weird...?

I heard another scream. Great, it was Sakura again. "Sorry sensei, but my team members need me! Jaa ne!" I waved as I tracked my team's chakra. 

I came out of the bushes and saw Sakura lying on the ground AGAIN. But what knocked me over was seeing Uchiha with only his head above the ground. I blinked at him and giggles started erupting from inside me.

"Hehehe y-your head... Haha! Oh my..." his eyes started twitching and an anger vein appeared on his forehead. 

"C-can you get me out here?" I heard him mutter. I took a double stop.

"Woah woah, repeat that? What did you ask me?"

"C-could you help me?" He forced those words out, his eyes averted.

"And what do you say...?"


"What???? I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!" 

"Please!" he said loudly. I smirked with victory. "Fine, I'll help you this once."

I took a couple steps back and clenched my fists together. "What are you doing?" he asked skeptically. 

I grinned. "Don't worry it won't hurt...." he relieved a sigh. "Much." he snapped his head towards me. Before he could say anything though, I was already running towards him. I pulled my arm back and punch the ground with chakra force. 

He landed on the ground with rocks and rubble around him. I held out my hand to him. He eyed it a great deal before taking it. I yanked him hard. So hard that he tripped and fell on top of me. 

"Oof!" I grunted as my back his the grass. I groaned as I opened my eyes to see Sasuke's. Both of our eyes widened as we just stared at each other. His eyes were so dark it look like space. Except you could see the shine in it whenever the sun reflected across. I felt my face heat up and I could see a pink hue on his cheek also. 

"Ahh!! What do you think you're doing to Sasuke-kun!" We heard a shriek. I quickly shoved him off and stood up. I saw Sakura murdering me with her glare.

I rolled my eyes. "Chill, nothing happened. You can have your precious Sasuke-kun back..." I walked away until I heard the alarm ring. I ran to the wooden posts and saw Naruto already tied up. 

"Let me guess... you started eating the lunch boxes?" I asked. He nodded sheepishly. 

We all sat down. "I will not be sending you back to the academy... All four of you fail!" I frowned, but Sasuke got up and attacked Kakashi. He grabbed him and pushed him to the ground.

"Ahh! Don't step on Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shrieked. I chuckled in amusement. 

"Keep it coming. This is so entertaining." 

"Naomi..." Kakashi warned. I raised my hand in surrender mode. 

"Why were you all divided into groups?" Kakashi asked.  I knew it...

"Huh??" Sakura dumbly asked. I rolled my eyes.

"You three are idiots. It was teamwork." I spoke up with my arms crossed across my chest. 

Kakashi nodded. "That's right. If all of you came at me together, then you might have had a chance to get the bells."

"Sakura, instead of helping Naruto who was right in front of you and Naomi who asked to work together, you went off to find Sasuke." She looked down guiltily. "Naruto! Even after Naomi asked you, you ignored her and went off running on your own. You Sasuke, arrogance. You assumed that everyone was so far beneath you that you didn't need their help, even when Naomi told you about it. Naomi was the only one who understood the concept of this exercise. This will get your teammates killed. For example, Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies. Naomi, if she doesn't, you kill her." 

I smirked and took out a kunai. "With pleasure." I stood up and flashed behind Sakura. She squealed in surprise. Kakashi sweat dropped. "Alright Naomi, drop the knife." I pouted. "Kill joy." I muttered. Sakura glared at me. 

"Ninjas risk their lives everyday. Look at the names carved on this stone. They are recognized as heroes," Kakashi walked over and knelt down in front of the KIA stone. 

"Hey! Hey! I will get my name carved on that stone, also!" Naruto yelled. I shook my head and darkly chuckled.

"No you don't, Naruto. KIA means killed in action. This stone is a memorial." I spoke as I headed towards it. I gently traced the over the name 'Sora Uchiha.' Kakashi curiously stared at me in confusion as I did. I guess I'll have to tell him after this.

"I'll give you guys one more chance. Those who wish to challenge can eat lunch. But don't give any to Naruto." he poofed away. I opened my bento box and the delicious smell of meat hit my nose. I heard Naruto's stomach grumble. Sighing, I stood in front of Naruto and held out a piece of chicken.

"Say ahhh."

"Naomi! What are you doing? You can get into trouble!" Sakura yelled out. "Sakura, if Naruto stays hungry, he won't be able to work at his best. Besides do you really think I could eat peacefully if Naruto's hungry?"

"Here. She's right. He'll bring us down." Sasuke offered his lunch. Sakura followed his example. 

"You!!!" Kakashi came out with thunder surrounding him. Huh... pretty good dramatic effect. "Pass!"

"Huh?" we asked. "You pass. A ninja must see underneath. Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abadon their friends are worse than scum." He stated. Ohh so that's why he was shocked. 

"H-he's kinda cool!" Naruto said with happy tears. 

"That's the end of training. Starting tomorrow, Team 7 goes on their first mission. Alright everyone is dismissed, except Naomi." 

When everyone left it was just Kakashi sensei and I. "Come let's go near the lake. There won't be many people." 

When we reached the lake, we both sat down Indian style. "Alright Naomi, spill. What's your big secret?" he asked.

I sighed. "You first have to promise me that you cannot tell anyone! If I tell you, only four people across the ninja lands will know my secret."

Third POV

Kakashi looked Naomi suspiciously. Why do I have a bad feeling about this... he thought. But he nodded anyway. 

"Well first off my name's not Naomi Suzuki." Kakashi blinked. "Wait what??"

Naomi nodded. "Yes. Release!" POOF. Instead of Naomi's normal looks, she now had dark glossy raven hair that reached waist. Onyx eyes that you feel like your getting lost into while looking at them. Pink luscious lips and rosy cheeks. High cheek bones and a cute button nose. Long dark eyelashes curved from her eyes. 

She smiled revealing her straight, white teeth. Kakashi's eyes widened as a small blush appeared behind his mask.

"My name's not Naomi Suzuki. My real name is Naomi Uchiha." She said as she flashed her Sharingan. Kakashi's jaw slacked. He obviously was not expecting an Uchiha to be alive.

"O-oh m-my.. this is quite i-nteresting..." he stuttered as he stared into those blood red eyes which held three tomoe's. 

"H-how?" he asked. Naomi shrugged as she turned off her Sharingan. "I was born on the day of the nine tails attack. My birth was not known to anyone except my mother, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and the 3rd Hokage. My mother, Sora Uchiha, gave birth to me in a hidden place. She died right after I was born. After that, jii-san immediately took me away from the village and raised me up. I've trained with him and Tsunade all my life." 

"Who is your father?" 

" I don't know. I really do wish I knew. Everyone says I look like my parents. But that's what I pretty much know." Kakashi nodded with a hand on his chin as he contemplated all of the information. 

"Okay so now I'm curious. What's your actual rank? You abilities reach far beyond genin." 

I giggled. "You're right, my skills are above jonin. I just choose to hide my abilities sometimes. And also, I will not be telling Sasuke any of this. I have strict rules of not to tell anyone."

He nodded. "So this is your real appearance, huh?" he casually asked. I looked at him and gave him a breath taking smile. "Yes. I use a genjutsu to cover myself up. Because of this, half of my chakra is used up. The other half let's me have jonin abilites. But if I used my true appearance and applied the rest of my chakra into my skills, then it would be far beyond. And don't try to hide the fact that you like my appearance this way. I saw that pink blush. Don't deny it sensei...." I teased.

He started coughing and waved his hands in front of him. "No-no! I was just surprised. That's all!"

I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Alright sensei. It's time for me to go now. See you tomorrow." He nodded and we both went to our separate ways. 

I felt like small pressure was lifted off my shoulders. 

End of Chapter! Comment and Follow!^^


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