Ch.5: Insulting Duck butt and Teams

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Naomi's POV

I woke up the next morning and did my usual training and jogging. When I got home, I took a shower and made myself breakfast. I decided to pack lunch today. 

I took out two bento boxes and placed rice balls, grilled meats, vegetables, and some sushi from last night. I made one for myself and another extra just in case. 

I headed out the door and to the academy. When I reached inside, I once again saw Uchiha sitting on on the desk near the window. There were a couple students here and there sitting around. Something inside of me made me snap whenever I saw him.

I glared at him as he glared at me. "Duck ass." I spoke up and nodded.

He glared at me again. "Loser."

"Needle dick!" I exclaimed. He stared at me with twitched brows. 

"Skank!" he called back. OH THAT'S IT!



"Dip shit!!"


My jaw dropped. Did he just say I was lesbian? An anger vein appeared on my forehead. "DOUCHEBAG!" I yelled and tackled him to the ground. 

I pulled his hair as he pulled mine. I didn't realize the whole class, plus Naruto and Iruka-sensei were watching us with jaw dropped expressions. I didn't even realize that the JONINS AND THE HOKAGE were watching!

Sasuke and I were literally rolling on the ground scratching, hitting, and punching each other. 

"Get off my Sasuke-kun!!" I heard the sound of fangirls. 

"Your such fucktard!"

"Don't be talking, sperm magnet!" Sasuke finally yelled. He was surprised himself that he lost his temper so easily. He always maintains an emotion less face, but he didn't know why I had such an effect on him.

**In the Hokage's office**

Third POV
* A few minutes earlier*

The jonin's and the Hokage were standing in his office around the crystal ball. 

"Most promising new student: Sasuke Uchiha." Kakashi said as he looked at the boy sitting near the window.

"Yes, he's the one," the Hokage spoke. "He's the only survivor left of the Uchiha clan." 

"Hmmm." They kept viewing the crystal ball. A girl with long blue hair came and glared at the Uchiha, as he glared back at her. 

"Who's that?" Asuma, the son of the 3rd, a jonin, asked. 

The Hokage chuckled. "That, my fellow jonins, is Naomi Suzuki. She's the granddaughter of Jiraiya."

"As in Jiraiya the sannin?" A jonin asked in a suprised voice. 

"Yes. Her abilities go far beyond a jonin, but has joined the academy to meet with students her age."

"How interesting." Kakashi said. He had already met her and was quite intrigued. 

Naomi and Sasuke started fighting as they called names to each other.

Kurenai blinked as she heard Naomi say an insult. She faced the Hokage. "Did she just call him a needle dick?" The Hokage chuckled in amusement. 

"She never fails to amuse me. That girl." 

"And he called her a dyke! Hahaha!" Asuma laughed. "These two are hilarious! I've never seen the Uchiha lose his cool before!" The surrounding jonins chuckled.

The two children tackled each other pulling their hair and scratching. "Ouch, that must hurt. Shouldn't we stop them?" Kakashi spoke up, finally. 

"You're such a fucktard!" Naomi yelled. The jonins whistled. 

"This girl is fiesty. What an experienced vocabulary. I like her." Asuma said. 

"Don't be talking, sperm magnet!" Sasuke yelled at her in anger. That was it. That was the final saying the jonins needed to make them all start laughing on the ground with tears in their eyes.

"Hahaha! Boy I would love those two on my team!" Asuma laughed. Kakashi sweat dropped at the situation. 

Naomi's POV

"Hey! You two stop it!!" I heard Iruka sensei come up between us. I felt a pair of hands come behind me and pull me off of Sasuke. 

"Calm down, Naomi-chan! I know Sasuke's a teme! But relax!" Naruto spoke up. I turned to look at him angrily and opened my mouth to speak.

"B-but! Wait a min... Naruto what are you doing here?" I asked. He suddenly grinned and forgot about scolding me.

"I passed, Naomi-chan! I'm officially a ninja!! Believe it!" I suddenly started smiling and tackled him in a hug. 

"Congrats Naruto! I knew you could do it." A few minutes later things had settled down. Iruka had left the room to get something. I was sitting next to Naruto, when he suddenly stood up and crouched in front of Sasuke, glaring at him. 

"I don't see anything special about him, why does Sakura like him so much?" he muttered. Lightening zapped between the eyes of the two boys. 

I smirked in amusement. The Uchiha has many haters doesn't he, but he also has many lovers.

"Naruto! Stop glaring at Sasuke!" Sakura yelled at him, with Ino by her side. Huh. I never even heard those two come in knowing the fact that they squeal like a bunch of banshees. 

"Why are they so obsessed with him? Sasuke, Sasuke..." he muttered under his breath.

I scoffed. "I couldn't agree more, Naruto. I don't get what's so special about him. He's such as ass." I agreed with the blonde knuckle head. 

Sasuke glared at me and turned to glare at Naruto also. Blue lightening appeared between them again. 

"Woah, this is great!" A guy who looked like Shikamaru pushed Naruto accidentally. "Oops."

The screaming died down and everything became still. My own eyes were widened in shock. I started laughing. 

"Hahaha! This is priceless! I wish I had a camera!" I giggled. 

SMOOCH! Naruto had fallen on top of Sasuke, kissing him! "O-oh my." I spoke as I looked at his fangirls. "This is not going to be good." 

Naruto and Sasuke pulled back and started coughing to get rid of the germs. The knuckle head suddenly froze. 

"D-Danger." he turned around to see all of the glared directing to him. "Uh oh."

"You're finished!" Sakura spoke as she charged towards him. Oh no she doesn't. I flashed right in front of him and grabbed her knuckles. 

"Don't you dare think you can hit him." My deadly aura had come out and I was back to becoming a cold and emotionless person. "Lay a hand on him, and I'll make sure you're never able to wield chakra again." 

She quickly let go and sat down next to Sasuke avoiding my glare at her, nervously. Sasuke kept looking at me. But it wasn't a glare, more of curiosity running through his eyes. I made eye contact with him for the last time and went up the stairs to the top row to sit next to a student with pineapple hair with his face down.

"Thanks Naomi-chan!" Naruto yelled with a grin. I smiled and waved it off. 

"What a bunch of brats. The girls these days only care about looks. Pathetic." I muttered. 

"Tell me about it." I heard a groan. I looked to see the spiky haired guy sitting up with a sleepy look on his face. "The girls are such a drag, squealing over Uchiha. It makes my ears hurt. You're probably the only one who doesn't fan girl over him."

I smirked. "The name's Naomi. You are...?"

He smirked back and took my hand to shake it. "Shikamaru Nara. Nice to meet you." 

"I think I'll be getting along with you just fine, Shikamaru." 

Iruka sensei came back and started announcing the teams. "...Team 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno..." Naruto cheered happily, while the pink headed bitch groaned. (Sorry Sakura lovers, I don't really like her.^^) 

"Sasuke Uchiha..." Now cotton candy squealed in delight, while Naruto sulked. "And finally because of the odd number of students and as per request from the Hokage, Naomi Suzuki." My hand that was supporting my chin suddenly dropped.

"W-what?" I asked in shock.

Naruto suddenly stood up and started cheering. "Yeah! I'm with you Naomi-chan!!" Sasuke just looked like he was struck with lightening and Sakura made an annoying sound. 

After Naruto and Sakura stopped complaining, we all headed out for lunch. I don't know where Naruto went so I was just roaming around outside. I saw Sakura sitting up on the bench with Sasuke. He was complimenting her and about to kiss her.

My eyes widened. Woah did not see that coming... I quickly got out of their before I saw anything I regretted. I was now walking in a hallway on the top floor of the academy. 

I heard some grunting and scratching noise. Since I was curious, I slid open the door to see Sasuke all tied up with tape over his mouth. 

He stopped when he heard me. "Mhmm mhm hm!" he yelled. 

"Pft... hahahahahaha!" I couldn't take it. "H-holy! This is the funniest shit I've seen!" I laughed as I crouched down in front of Sasuke. 

"If you're here... then who was--- ohhhhh.... oh boy. That's too funny." I started laughing again. 

"Hm mhmm mm!" Sasuke yelled. I narrowed my eyes at him. I grabbed the edge of the tape softly and then RRIIPPP! I ripped the tape of hard. 

"Ouch!" he hissed in pain. "Couldn't you have done that more gently, loser!" I smirked.

"Now that wouldn't be fun... would it?" 

Because I'm such a nice person, I untied him. I dropped the rope on the floor and headed for the door. I felt a hand grab mine and suddenly push me against the wall.

"Ugh." I grunted as my head hit it. "What do you want?" I asked with venom. His face came closer to mine. I stared at him wide eyed.
"W-what do you think you're doing?"

"Where's Naruto?" he asked as his hot breath sent tingles down my spine. But I ignored them. I pushed him off. 

I smirked. "Where do you think he went after he disguised himself at you?" He thought about it before his eyes widened in shock. I giggled. "You might want to hurry, before that cotton candy bitch does something~~~" I said in a singing voice. 

He glared at me again and jumped out the window. I laughed and headed back into the hallway. 

**Time Skip**

We were now sitting inside the room waiting for our sensei to come. Sasuke was sitting at the row above me, Naruto was pacing back and forth, and Sakura sat on the other side ranting at Naruto. 

All in all, it was pretty normal. 

"He's late!" Naruto complained as he looked out the door and into the hallway. I rolled my eyes. He's probably said this a thousand times.

"Naruto, just sit down..." I said. "He'll come. Besides I think I have an idea who it is..." After reading the bingo book so many times, it says the personalities of different ninjas listed in it. One being super late... it has to be him.

"How would you know??" Sakura asked glaring at me. 

"Figure it out." I ended the conversation with her. I heard a sound of a chair being dragged. I looked up to see Naruto placing an eraser between the door.

"Hehe that's what he gets for coming late!" He giggled and stepped down. Sasuke 'hn'd' 

"Our teacher is a jonin, an elite ninja. You think he'd fall for that?" He spoke. I turned around to face him. He opened his eyes to look at me.

"Don't think that. It's such a classic prank, that he might end up falling for it. How about a bet?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What kind of bet." 

"If the eraser smacks him on the head, you owe me 10 bucks. If it doesn't, I owe you 10. Deal?" 


A couple of footsteps were heard and a hand came through the door. All of us paused to see who would come in. The door slid open and PLOP! The eraser fell on the oh so familiar Kakashi.

"Hahahaha!" Naruto laughed. "I totally got him! He fell for it!"

I grinned. "Bring on the money, emo boy." I told Sasuke. He glared at me but smacked the money on my hands. I giggled and started counting. He glares so much, I'm surprised his eyes haven't fallen out or closed shut or something.

"My first impression of this group... is that you're a bunch of idiots." Kakashi spoke with a bored face. 

I fake glared at him. "Hey Kakashi! That's not nice! Be happy that you got us. Hehe" I raised two fingers as a peace sign. 

"Oh right. Hello again Naomi, nice to see you." He came over and ruffled my hair. I smacked his hand away. 

"Let's head to the rooftop." Kakashi said and left the room. 

"How do you know him, Naomi-chan?" I looked at the group in surprise.

"You guys don't know who Kakashi is??? Woah. Don't you ever read the bingo book?" I asked. They shook their heads while Sasuke just 'hn'd'. 

"Well I met him earlier when I came into the village, and I also know him from my grandfather. And he's listed in the bingo book, also..." I finished speaking and poofed to the rooftop. 

"Well, it seems like you know how to do transportation." Kakashi spoke up from his book. I nodded.

"Yup. Kakashi -sensei, how much do you exactly know about me?" 

He put a hand on his chin. "Hmm not much. The Hokage didn't say much, he said to ask you. He apparently said 'when she's ready, she'll tell you." 

Hmm... so the hokage wants me to tell him the truth... I guess since he's my sensei, it's fine. Jii-san also said that I can trust him when he told me who I could trust in this village. 

I nodded. "Alright, I'll tell you some other time."

The other three finally came up and we all sat down. "Alright, let's start with the introductions."

"Introduce ourselves? Well what are we supposed to say?" Sakura asked. I stared at her with the 'really?' expression. How can she not know...

"Things you like... things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies... stuff like that." Kakashi sensei said and crossed his arms.

"Why don't you go first sensei?" 

He sighed. "My name's Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it. And my hobbies? Well I have lots of hobbies." he said casually. 

"That was totally useless. All he told was his name." Sakura muttered. Naruto agreed, while Sasuke and I had a small sweat drop. 

"Okay your turn. You blondie, you first."

"Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup and I really like the ramen Iruka sensei got me at the Ichiraku ramen shop. I also really love Naomi-chan's cooking! It's the best food I've had..." he started. I grinned at the compliment and he smiled back. "My hobby is eating different types of ramen and comparing them. And me dream is to become Hokage so the whole village would stop disrespecting me and treat like I'm somebody! Somebody important."

"Alriiight then. Next." Kakashi pointed at Sakura.

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like... I mean who I like... *giggle*"

I decided to intervene. "*cough* emo boy. *cough*" Both said people glared at me.

"My hobby is *giggle*.."

"*cough* stalk Sasuke *cough*" 

She growled at me. "And my dream is to *giggle*" 

"*cough* rape Sasuke *cough*" 

After I said that Sasuke's eyebrow twitched and Naruto and I started giggling. 

"Sakura, do you stalk Sasuke?" I asked curious. She glared at me.


"Ohh so you stalk him at day time..." I taunted.

"No! Only night!" she admitted. I giggled and then suddenly stopped to double check at what she said.

"Oh wow, Sakura. I was just joking... I didn't know you actually stalked him." I said blinking innocently. I turned to see Sasuke's horror stricken face. "Better watch out, emo boy, who knows when she'll come into your home..." I scooted closer to him and whispered in his ear. "And touch you." 

I fell down in a misfit of giggles. Naruto high fived me. Sasuke's expression. PRICELESS! 

"Alright enough. And what do you hate?" Kakashi asked Sakura. 

"NARUTO AND NAOMI!" she yelled with a fist. Naruto slumped, while I couldn't care less.

"Don't like you either, bitch." I said.

"Language!" Kakashi scolded me. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Alright *sigh* you with the dark hair."

After a long pause. "My name's Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and get revenge on a certain someone." He darkly spoke. 

The atmosphere became really gloomy and dark. My fists unconsciously tightened. I hated bringing up the Uchiha massacre. And Sasuke didn't even know that an Uchiha was sitting right next to him! 

I knew Itachi slaughtered the clan. But I don't know why. A little bit of hatred started building up inside of me. But all of the letters I received from my mother for my  birthday always said at the end: 'Don't doubt Itachi. He did everything for a reason.' 

Those words are the only reason I'm not heading out to get him. I didn't realized that I was clenching my jaw with a deadly look in my eye. My fun personality disappeared, and the 'Uchiha' one replaced it. 

"N-Naomi...Naomi-chan? NAOMI!!" someone yelled and shook me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see everyone staring at me. Sasuke with his normal look, Sakura with a raised eyebrow, and Naruto and Kakashi with a worried expression. 

"H-huh? What? What happened?" I asked looking back and forth.

"We were calling you for the last 5 minutes. But you weren't replying. Is everything alright?" Kakashi asked. I nodded. "Alright then, now it's your turn."

"My name is Naomi Suzuki. My likes are RAMEN, Jii-san, Naruto, Tsunade baa-chan, eating and training. My dislikes are fangirls," I glared at Sakura. "Brooding boys," I looked at Sasuke. "And many other things. My hobbies are singing, travelling, and helping to write my grandfather's novel. My dream is to find out the truth behind the death of my parents." I spoke that last part in an angry voice. 

It became quiet again until Kakashi broke it. "Okay. Good you're each unique and have your own ideas. We'll have our first mission tomorrow.

"It's a task that all 5 of us will do together. It's a survival exercise." I zoned out of the conversation and looked at the sky to find any cloud animals. 

Oooo I see a bunny... oh and a horse there... *giggle* that one looks like a duck. And his ass looks like Uchiha. 

I zoned back in. "Be at the designated area at 5 am. That's it your dismissed.... oh, and you better skip breakfast, or else you'll puke." Kakashi added on and disappeared. 

"Well that was interesting..." I spoke up. "Well better get going, have to train. Oh and Naruto come over to my home tonight for dinner." 

"Okay! I'll see you tonight, Naomi-chan!" I jumped on the railings. "Watch out! What are you doing??" Naruto screamed.

I turned around to see the three of them staring at me. "What? I'm just going to jump off..." 

"YOU'LL DIE!" Sakura and Naruto yelled. I started laughing and shook my head.

"Relax. It's no big deal. See ya!" I jumped off as I spread my arms wide like a bird to slow down my fall. As I came towards the end, I added chakra to the soles of my feet and attached onto the wall. Then I slowly walked down.

"Woah did you see that? She was walking on the wall!" I heard Naruto's echo come from above. 

**Time Skip**

It was evening time now. I was preparing dinner for Naruto and I. He was sitting on my sofa just goofing around with Jun. Oh I forgot to mention, that I got a pet dog named Jun! I was walking around the streets during night time and saw him in an alleyway inside a box.

He was injured so I decided to heal him and he just kept following me home. He was such an adorable dog that I couldn't let him go. 

Imagine him like a german shepherd pup!^^

So I fed him, bathed him, and put on a dark navy blue collar that said Jun in Japanese on it. As Naruto played with him, I cooked our dinner. I decided to make homemade ramen. 

The best ever tasting one. I boiled water in one pot and heated some oil in a wok on another stove. As the noodles cooked, in the wok I added ginger, garlic, shredded pork, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, spices, salt, soy sauce, and warm water. This made the delicious broth. 

Once it simmered, I drained the cooked noodles and placed them in the broth. Two massive bowls for Naruto and I. I also took some shredded pork and chicken with a lemon herb sauce and placed it in a dog bowl. 

What? Just because he's a dog, I'll give him dog food? Bull shit. No way. He's going to be getting fresh and healthy food from now on. I placed Jun's bowl on his cozy mat and he started eating. 

Naruto and I started eating our dinner. "What do you think the exercise will be tomorrow, Naomi-chan?"

"Not sure Naruto *slurp* It could be anything. But make sure you DO eat break fast." He just nodded and continued slurping his noodles.

It's suspicious. There's gotta be more to this exercise than just a simple training session. What is he trying to teach us?

End of Chapter! Comment and Follow! :)

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