Ch. 14: ANBU Mission and the Sand Siblings

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Naomi's POV

The next day I woke up bright and early to get ready for my first ANBU mission. I took a shower and dressed in my new mission clothes. Refilling my weapons pouch with kunais, shurikens, and senbons, I tightened the straps around my right thigh. I put on my Uchiha necklace that my mom gave to me and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Once finishing my morning meal, I placed on my ANBU mask and immediately transported into the Hokage’s office. Kazuya and Ren were already there waiting for orders. I nodded at them, and they did back, and stood in the middle with my hands by my side.

“Your mission today will be to eliminate a group of rogue ninja that have been causing quite a bit of mayhem around the 5 villages. They have kidnapped the youngest child of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. He is about 4 years old, and name is Miharu. Find him, bring him back to the capitol, and eliminate the threat.” The Hokage informed us with a serious tone.

He took out a piece of paper from one of his cabinets and placed it front of us. He turned it around for us to see it. On the paper was information about the small boy. His name was Miharu Ayuzawa, Age: 4, it said that his parents were the daimyo, and finally a picture of the small boy was shown. He had dark teal eyes, his eyes were furrowed, and ash gray hair was in a classic rough cut.

“Hai, Hokage sama. Where were these rogue seen last?” Ren asked, grabbing the paper and folding it into his kunai pouch.

“They were last spotted around the borders of Shimogakure (Snow Village). You are dismissed.” The old man replied. We nodded and transported out of the office and into the forest a couple of miles outside the village gates.

“Well Shimogakure will take about 2 days by walking, but if we move at a quicker pace, we can reach there by midnight.” Kazuya said as he adjusted his mask.

“The quicker we get it done, the quicker I can go back to sleep…” I muttered with a yawn. Ren smirked. “You just want to get the hell out of here, don’t you?”

I groaned and glared at him. “What do you expect? It’s like 5 in the morning right now. Who the hell wakes up this early?”

Kazuya rolled his eyes. “Well let’s move on now.” We took off without delay ninja jumping across each branch in the trees at a fast pace. We were heading Northeast since Shimogakure was in between the Hidden Hot Water Village and Kirigakure. Real villages btw!^^

**Time Skip**

We had finally arrived in the snowy forests of Shimo. It was heavily snowing as the moonlight obscured the midnight sky. I brought my hands together to blow hot breath on them to warm them up.

“Kazuya. Can you sense any chakra around here?” I asked him since he was a sensor ninja. The blonde haired boy knelt on the ground and stuffed his hand into the snow and concentrated.

His eyes furrowed feeling around for chakra until he snapped them open. “There. About 2 miles north, in a cave. Around 10 people, probably straight chunin and a couple jounin level. But honestly not that strong. Their chakra seems like any other regular jounin shinobi.”

I bit my lip in frustration. How can mere shinobi kidnap the daimyo’s kid? Even the capitol is heavily guarded! The Twelve Guardian Ninja protect the fire Daimyo and his family. How could these nins avoid them?

I held off my thoughts and nodded. “Alright then, let’s move on quick.” After quietly trekking through the snow, we shrouded our chakra. The three of us hid behind the trees and poked our heads out to inspect the area.

I activated my Sharingan behind my mask and scanned the cave. Kazuya was right; the simple jounin and chunin were sitting around a camp fire eating fish and chatting away. I could see the child off in the corner bound with his hands and feet tied with rope. I frowned as I saw the state he was in.

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