Jack Frost is Trouble

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This is my new Jelsa story because I had this brainwave while wsatching one of my favourite shows. It's the classic high school story with Jelsa this time because I like that dynamic and high school is one of the best settings for a love story. So kick back and relax with my newest Jelsa story which yes, needed it's own book.Because it's going to be long and entirely AU. So stay tuned for Elsa with her parents (alive), Anna, new friends and a new perspective on Jack :)  

Here's hoping you all love it as much as the last one and I've recently realised where my writing prowess lies so I'll be writing more shipping fanfics or original romances. But all the romances I write are clean so if you want smut, I suggest you go elsewhere because I'll drop hints but nothing more. You know the saying - show don't tell/ leave it up to the readers imagination ;)

Anyway, I'd just like to say that after this, I'm thinking of writing like a romantic comedy type of story between these two characters (who I still have to sort out) and I'm going to give them no powers. 

Actually, in this AU, Jack and Elsa don't have powers. They're just... good at things like ice hockey or sculpting, you know?

So here's for all the readers who find revenge stories, boy meets girl, jock falls for nerd stories their guilty pleasures (I have to admit they're mine)

Also, most of my characters will be from the POV of a girl because that's what I know best but if you do want me to do more chapters from the guy's POV or something, I can. 

So yeah, stay tuned for updates! I'm officially finishing the other story and won't be updating either of my other stories any longer as I dedicate all my time to writing this one. 

Thanks for reading, love you all, Mana :) <3

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