Chapter TWENTY-EIGHT (Part 2) : Todays The Day

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Renae's POV:

Once we started driving I know immediately something is wrong.

A sharp pain hits me again like before just below the stomach and I gasp in agony.

I see Louis go into a panic from the corner of my eye and he gently places a hand over mine, still concentrating on the road in hopes we won't crash.

"Louis, the hospital" I gasp squeezing my eyes shut.

He takes in a deep, shaky breath, nodding and changing lanes to head in the direction of the hospital about 10 minutes away.

Once parked in front of the hospital Louis runs to the passengers side and flings open the door, helping me out gently.

My vision starts going blurry as we near the hospital doors and my body goes numb, muffled voices are all i hear as someone lifts me into a bed. 

I cant even feel the pain anymore but the comfort of Louis' hand holding mine is recognizable and i clasp it tightly.

"Whats wrong with her?" Louis whispers, "shes gone in to her first stage of labor, very early" a deep voice answers.

I freeze and my body stops shaking but i feel like screaming, im not ready, im not.

Louis' grip on my hand goes limp.

"We have looked over both you and your partners files and found both born premature, correct? Sometimes these things run in the family but don't worry, keep calm and a midwife like you instructed is on its way" the doctor continues.

The pain suddenly comes back all at once and i let out a small scream, gripping Louis' hand tighter.

My vision is clear again but i squeeze my eyes shut trying to keep as calm as possible. 

"Its going to be all right" Louis reassures and i nod, please be true i pray to myself.


AN: I'm so, SO sorry for the extreemely late update..

I started writing, then stopped, scrapped it, started again over and over so many times.

This chapter is so short because i had no idea how to write this, but i wanted to upload it to let you guys know i havent just given up. Iv just been incredibly busy and blank for words.


But anyway.. book is not that far away from endinggg xx

5-8 more chapters maybee ;) mwahhh x


Im starting to write a new Louis fic, wont be released till maybe a month or 2 after this book finishes :) x

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