Chapter SIX : Honeymoon Week Over

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Louis' P.O.V:

This past week in Perth had been a blast and i wasn't looking forward to the cold weather ahead of me in England for the next 3 weeks. Back to work, back to being without Renae and back to the cold, what fun. 

I just stared at my feet while sitting at gate 6 in Perth airport on a cold airport chair with Renae cuddled up to my side. I could hear a few fans giggling and whispering to each other behind us as well as the snapping of cameras as they took pictures of us. 

"Arn't you going to say hey?" Renae asks in a whisper nodding to the fans behind us. I shrug.

A lot of the fans had been really rude to Renae this past week after they found out we were officially going out and i wasn't really in the mood to be nice to people who were sending death threats and harsh comments to someone i loved. Fans just needed to learn not to push the limit on crazy.

Renae's P.O.V:

I flinch everytime i hear something like;

'Louis deserves someone better'

'Go die, you fake slut'

'Louis would never go out with a fake blonde like you'

I know Louis is pissed off and about to hit something by the way he is all tensed up beside me just staring quietly at his feet.

I gulp as i hear them call to start boarding for gate 6 to London, we both stand up and he wraps his arms tightly around me buring his face into my hair while mine is crushed against his chest.

"Ill call you as soon as i get off the plane" he whispers pulling back and picking up his bags, i nod looking him in the eye to show im fine. 

I watch as he walks to the gate getting his boarding pass scanned, he looks over his shoulder waving to me until he is no longer visable past the crowd behind him.

Iv been invited to join the boys for a week on the 2nd week of the american tour which is a month from now.

Ill basically be busy every day though getting closer to summer with plenty of people asking for cover shoots and things like that. 

I turn around walking towards my car, pushing past fans and paps along the way.

I hear fans yelling at me laughing with their friends as if its all a funny joke.

I ignore them and keep walking until someone throws something that hits me square in the back, i turn around shooting an angry look to a couple of girls giggling and laughing as they run away.

Security runs over seeing this and escort me to my car, i thank them and finally manage to drive off away from the airport, away from the crazy fans.

I don't know why but i call Louis' number forgetting he can't answer while on a plane and listen to his voice as my call reaches voicemail, "hey Louis i miss you" i say in a rather hurt voice to the voice box before hanging up.

I put my iphone back into my pocket and close the garage door behind my car entering the house through the side door.

My mood lifts as soon as i open the door and see the beach through the glass doors at the back as well as Max who rushes up to me happily nuzzling his head between my legs licking my knees.

I sit down on the lounge floor rubbing Max's furry belly, "i love you too my furball" i say when he licks my fingers happily.

Louis' P.O.V:

I turn my phone on straigh away after i leave the plane to call Renae and see she has left a message at my voice box.

"Hey Louis.. i.. miss you" she says in a hurt voice.

I call her back quickly but she doesn't answer, probably the 11 hour time difference i think to myself.

I call over a cab quickly after collecting my bags and hop into the back seat giving the driver directions to my house.

I log onto twitter with my iphone and flick through my feed smiling at a few nice tweets. But my eyes got caught on one Renae had posted 8 hours ago..

'Angry, sad, annoyed, alone. Describes my mood just fine.'

and another posted an hour before that..

'Ha ha! Thanks for the show you 1D fans gave me on the way back to my car, pity you were too chicken to put on one while your beloved Louis was there and whoever hit me with the waterbottle, grow up!'

I scowled angrily at my phone, how could someone throw a waterbottle at someone so caring and kind. I retweeted a couple of tweets that said nice things about Renae and shut off my phone not wanting to see anything horrible like that again.

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