Chapter TWENTY-TWO : London

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Get in that green and gold or the red, white and blue ;) x

Hope you are all having a fantastic day wherever you are and yay no work tomorrow for Australians haha, what a bonus..

How are you guys spending this lovely Sunday?? 

& sorry the AN at the bottom is SOO LONGG X



Renae's P.O.V:

I hop out from my seat at the gate and rush back through security to the check in section, heading straight over to the general booking stall.

A tall blonde girl around the age of 30 sits behind it clicking away at a computer. 

"May i help you with anything miss?" She asks looking up when she sees me standing there.

"I need to go to Darwin, now" I tell her, oh gosh what was i saying? 

She typed quickly at her computer, scrolling down the page it takes her to and then looks back up at me.

"We don't have another available flight to your requested destination till Monday next week" she says in a professional but irritating voice. These people seriously sounded like robots!

"London. I need to go to London as soon as possible" I say leaning myself against the high counter, crossing my fingers mentally.

"There is an available place on a flight to London on QUANTAS due to depart in 6 hours"

Was i really going to do this? Fly to London early? Yes, yes of course. Anything for Louis, id said that before and ill say it again.

"Yes, i want to book a ticket for that flight please"

The lady nods and typed away yet again at her computer. 

"Here is your boarding pass, iv already checked you into the flight so yep" she hands me the white ticket and points out important information on a separate sheet which she also hands to me.


I didnt have any clothes or a passport with me so i had to drive back home and pack all within about 2 hours.


I stuff 2 suitcases full of random clothes, warm jumpers yes i might need them, shorts? might as well, shoes, shoes yes shoes! Errhm trackies, comfiest ones only!

I manage to stuff in a last jacket before zipping the bags up with a struggle. Hopefully they aren't too heavy because i didnt have time to check. 


I cant believe how short this is either !! :-/

Probably more than 30 chapters at the rate this is going tho xD

I really dont like doing 2 different peoples P.O.V 's in one chapter these days because it can become confusing but for this chapter it worked best so bear with..

So yeah comment please :)

Happy Australia Day, this update is for all you aussies xx

Im so blessed to have the life i live, to live in a beautiful country full of amazing people.. Iv hounestly never met an Australian i do not have respect for, every Australian young and old make up the nation we live in today. Thankyou.

& Id really just like to say thankyou for about the billionth time for reading as well..

Sometimes my updates are just made from my phone while im walking the dog or at the beach and they arn't very good at all but you all still manage to make me smile with all your lovely comments.. xx


people have been asking lots of weird and wonderful questions.. here are just some :) x

Q: Who is your favourite member of 1D?

A: Louis :)


Q: Thoughts on Larry Stylinson?

A: My thoughts are mutral and i believe everyones should be. We shouldn't be making our opinions on something we dont know, i think personally we should just believe what the boys say i mean why shouldn't we? If you ship Larry Stylinson are you saying that Louis & Harry are lying to us? I just think we should have a bit more respect for their personal space. They are human after all.


Q: Have you always lived in QLD? I moved to Brisbane from Melbourne a year ago!

A: Yeah i was born and raised in the Gold Coast although we did live in Cairns for about a year when i was 13 :) My parents decided to move to Cairns again just after my 18th birthday and gave me the option to stay since i was a legal adult technically. So yeah, i wouldnt move for anything haha :) xx

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