Chapter EIGHT : Reunited

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Renae's P.O.V:

I hate saying goodbye to Max, i mean his my baby pup. But i do, leaving him in the nice hands of Ella and drive off to the airport.

I check the car clock, 4am.

"Brrr" i mutter to myself turning up the heater to prevent freezing in the morning 8*C weather. 

I meet Chris there and we hop onto the long flight to London together, leaving the beautiful sunny Perth far behind us. 


When we arrive in London i somehow manage to convince Chris to let me just hang out with friends all day tomorrow as long as i get back to his hotel in London by 10pm. 

"Thankkyyouu" i say smiling as i walk away from him to find a taxi.

I finally see an empty one and give him Louis' address. 

His house was massive. I really couldn't imagine him living in a place like this all to himself, how did he clean this place?

He doesn't answer the door so i sit on his doorstep which doesn't cover me from the gushy snow that's suddenly falling quite heavily.

I lean my head back on his door frame in the dull light coming from the light above Louis door.

The mushy wet, half melted snow that falls covers my shoes heavily and splashes down leaving me soaked in only 10 minutes. 

What a crap idea, not telling him i think to myself checking the time to see it's already 11. I bang on the door again just to make sure he didn't just not hear me and then slump down in defeat too tired to keep my eyes open.

Louis' P.O.V:

The boys dragged me off to a club for a little bit so it's now 12 and im just starting my slow drive home through the thick rain like snow.

Thankfully i didn't drink so my vision is still as clear as it will get on this type of day.

I make a mental reminder to myself to get my snow tires fitted as i slide a little on the last corner home.

As im pulling into the driveway to my big London home i notice someone, sleeping? on my doorstep with 2 big suitcases sitting next to them.

I pull up and hop out furrowing my eyebrows slightly as i see it's a girl, "Renae?" i whisper confused as i recognise her tiny body sleeping cuddled up next to my door.

I suddenly remember out conversation on the phone yesterday,

"what you doing at 8pm tomorrow"

she had asked curiously.

"Renae" i say louder pulling strands of her wet blonde hair our of her face. Her eyes snap open and look around slightly shocked but they soften when they meet mine.

"Suprise" she whispers softly with a small chuckle pulling the corners of her lips into a smile.

"Oh babe" i whisper back pulling her into a tight hug lifting her shivering, cold body up in my arms and getting my house keys out to let her in.

I place her softly on my king bed and grab a heap of blankets wrapping them around her tightly. I turn my room heater on high and sit next to her on the bed after pulling her also wet bags inside. I brush my fingers through her hair pulling out bits of snow, she smiles and closes her eyes.

"Im so sorry i went out for so long, i was just.." she places her hand over my mouth and sits upright.

"Don't you ever try blame something like that on yourself" she whispers moving her hand to my cheek.

I close my eyes, "i love you" i whisper.

I feel Renae's warm breath hover over my lips teasing me until she slowly leans in connecting hers with mine.

It's a tender kiss, a soft one that lasts for a few seconds but it gives me a massive shiver, a nice one. 

I fall asleep with Renae's head resting against my chest and wake up to the exact same picturesque view.

Shes smiling making circles with her finger on my chest, "jet lagged?" i ask playing with a strand of her hair.

"Mmm" she mumbles in reply, "but i'v got to meet my boss before 10 tonight at his hotel to prepare for tomorrow, i came to the UK because i was invited to audition to be a Victoria's Secret Angel" she adds almost in a whisper.

I smile, "that's great Nae." "I get to stay for 3 weeks though if i get the job, although highly unlikely" she chuckles shaking her head, "can i go to your audition?" i ask.

She nods eagerly lifting her head up and kissing my chin.

We lie like this until my alarm forces me to walk across my room and silence it.

Renae's P.O.V:

I laugh as i watch a tired Louis frantically trying to stop his phone alarm which keeps ringing on that annoying tone 'Marimba'.

"Arghh FINALLY!" he yells throwing his phone onto the bed, i laugh and sit up looking around for the bags containing my clothes.

"Keep laughing and you don't get your clothes back" Louis pouts sitting on my suitcases, "funny thing is Lou, you don't want me to, do ya?" i tease.

He smirks in answer unzipping my suitcase and throwing me random clothes, "Louis!!!" i yell as he unzips the bag containing my underwear.

He chuckles pulling out a pair of laced hot pink underwear and holding them up.

I feel my cheeks blush a bright red and i pull the douvet cover over my face to hide it, "aww no need to be embarrassed babe" he says chuckling and pulling it back. 


AN: I know that there hasn't been any drama at all so far and im really sorry for that. I promise though this will not be a dreamy story with no drama, be patient and before you know it a big gust of drama and relationship trouble will come.

Please understand that it actually takes a while to write a chapter only 1000 words long and it's time i would otherwise use to go to the beach, walk my dog or go see my beautiful horses so please appreciate long chapters and understand that when i write short chapters it's not because i want to punish readers but either because i didn't have time or i was having a blank where i couldn't think but wanted to upload.

But i enjoyed writing this chapter so tell me what YOU guys think. Comment and Vote  !!

I'd also like to ask another massive favor. I will be officially starting my 'Half A Heart' (A One Direction Love Story) in 2014 and i would like everyone reading to please go read the blurb or whatever and comment..


Please follow my new Wattpad Twitter account @ChloeCaldas1

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