Chapter TWENTY-THREE : Creepy Cats & Eerie Nights

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AN: Sorry no Louis' point of views yet, hopefully in the next couple of chapters though xx

& the title of this chapter is a bit weird but I am awful at putting titles on things so please please bear with !!


Renae's P.O.V:

The flight to London is long, tiring and i dont sleep one bit. Not once do i close my eyes to sleep during the 18 and a half hours.

Once iv checked out with my luggage and gone through the British customs i pick up my phone, calling Ella's familiar number. 

I take a seat just outside in front of the queue of taxis while the phone rings. Its late, probably almost 11 and snow falls steadily outside the shelter covering all the parked cars in gleaming white thats visible through the dark night.

She picks up after exactly 6 rings, "hey Renae its late here but how are you?"

"Is Niall with you?" i ask trying to keep my voice down as i see a girl with her mum wearing a 1D hoodie walking out of a nearby exit. If i get spotted everyone will know, Louis will know. 

"No his staying with all the boys tonight at a hotel so they can go to sound check for tomorrows show early" i breath a sigh of relief, luck was on my side tonight.

"Good good, i need you to get us tickets to their show for tomorrow night without saying anything about me to them"

"Renae. The shows in London are you like, alright" she stifles a laugh.

I sigh and tell her why im here. About how Louis proposed and i said 'ill think about it', how i walked out on a shoot and was still too late to say goodbye. She listened carefully, quietly -- well apart from shushing Nic when he started wailing half way through.

"Okay, you are so not alright. But even though you are mental and crazy, you are still my best friend so ill get tickets. Not too close did you say?"

I thank her with a squeal getting crazy sleepy heads turn my way weirdly. I curse under my breath and run to the closest taxi. I slam the door closed after me and tell the driver to take me to Ella & Niall's address.

I end the call with Ella, letting her tend to crying Nic and catch up on some sleep before i come knocking on her door in like an hour.


Iv never actually been to Ella & Niall's house in London before. She'd always met me somewhere or come to visit me and Louis. As far as i knew from magazines, no El & Niall weren't getting married but then again i was dead last week according to Australian mag sources.

But yeah Ella hasn't said anything so i guess they are just cozy, with a kid, living together. Mhm.

I pay the taxi driver then quickly open and close the front gate of the house. I am not afraid to admit i can be quite scared of the dark, especially when im outside. I mean i got attacked in London once on the streets. Well it wasn't anywhere close to this street which is littered with plenty of overhead street lights and fancy houses with 2m high brick fences of course but still. 

The house Ella & Niall supposedly owned was nice on the outside and no doubt inside as well, mainly white like Louis & Harry's old house.

Yes, Harry & Louis decided to move out because the Larry rumours were getting too much. I was going to miss movie nights at their house, messy, crazy, weird.

The front yard of the house is covered in snow. The water in the birdbath that sits in the middle of what i assume is grass in the summer is frozen, snow litters the cold surface making it even shinier. Every thing is still, quiet an eerie silence seems to float in the foggy air around me.

I flick my head around quickly when i hear a rustling in the bushes behind me but breathe a sigh of relief when i see a cat leap up the fence and scurry over it quickly with ease. 

I rush as quickly as humanly possible up the icy path and front step to the door while in 4inch heels, pulling 2 heavy suitcases behind me. Reaching my arm up the tall solid wooden door i grasp the heavy metal door knocker and bang 3 times. 

"Brrr" waiting in the cold at 12am was not my version of fun.

The door opens and Ella slams into me with one of her evil bear hugs.

"Ohmygohdimissedyousoflipiinmuchhhilurveyou" i hear her mumble into my sweater. 

"Yeah missed you too" i chuckle pulling back.

She laughs and helps me pull in my 2 bags.

"Im off to bed rules are of the following, don't wake me up before 10, help yourself to food, dont worry Niall isn't back all tomorrow and he doesn't know the code to the gate of his own house anyway so ill hide you if needed, erhhm oh yeah spare bedroom is the first one on the right from the stairs" Ella rambles laughing and waving a goodbye before walking off somewhere.

I giggle at her weirdness and drag my bags up the stairs, somehow finding the spare bedroom in the maze like mansion Niall owned. How did these boys even live in places like these? I actually thought my house was fancy, 3 bedrooms seems like nothing to share with myself anymore after seeing how each of these guys live with around 6 bedrooms. 

Burying my body under the warm blankets of the plush queen size bed i start to plot how tomorrow -- or technically today -- will go, even though nothing ever goes to plan for me. Might as well dream of the impossible instead of sulking about them right?


AN: I take back the thing i said about 30 chapters !! There is no way i can shorten this book to 30 chapters now.. maybee 35?


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