Chapter FIFTEEN : I Love You 2 ♡

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OMG half way through the story, eeek..

Seems like ages ago I started this, really hasn't been very long about a month at most


Oh and ELLA AND NIALL ARE TOGETHER OKAYY?? I didn't add details because this is strictly a Louis story ;) xx


Renae's P.O.V:

Louis had saved me from possibly getting raped but he was also the reason i was here in the first place.

"I was trying to protect you" he whispers.

I stay quiet.

"You and Eleanor" i start after a minute of silence.

"I was drunk, i thought a bit of clubbing would help me get over you but it only.."

"made things worse" i finish for him nodding.

"Im so sorry Renae, the letter. I didn't know" he whispers finally stepping back to my side, this time i don't back away.

"You my letter?" i stammer.

"The police gave it to me" he nods.

"Did you read my diary as well" i ask frowning.

"No," i breath a sigh of relief.

"I love you too Renae, so fucking god damn much" he whispers.

Our heads lean in and Louis places his hand on my thigh to brace himself accidentally pressing down on the massive gash the man had made.

I squeal in pain scrambling back.

"Omgsh" Louis mutters looking down at the blood splashed across his hand.

"Im so sorry"




My head feels light and my body tingles a little weirdly.


I see Louis mouth form my name repeatedly but dont hear anything as my vision swirls into darkness.

Ella's P.O.V:

"Niall?" I hear a voice yell through the phone to Niall who goes pale.

"Yeah, yeah thanks mate we will be right there" he says hanging up.

"Renae's in hospital" he says grabbing his coat, i nod furrowing my eyebrows together worried.

"It's alright babe" Niall comforts hugging me from the side, i nod again.

We drive silently to the main hospital, neither of us knowing the cause of Renae being in hospital all of a sudden.

"She's going to be all right" Niall soothes as we get out of the car and walk slowly to the main entrance.

Louis' P.O.V:

I pace back and forth in the waiting room not being able to see Renae until 'further notice'.

Curse that fucking man i think repeatedly over in my head.

Niall rushes in through the door with a panicked looking Ella on his arm. 

Her wild reddish hair falls loosely down her back in natural locks, her green eyes filled with worried tears and her cheeks flushed pink from the cold.

I'm an Inner Beauty (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now