Chapter TWENTY-ONE : Forever

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Renae's P.O.V:

"RENAE, concentrate!" Dan yells from behind the camera.

I'v been working with him for ages now, his my photographer for a lot of shoots. His really good but gets frustrated and angry really easily, especially early in the morning.

I grunt in reply and shift part of the long white gown to one side. I'm glad its not a smiley, happy beach shoot because i would have been even worse than my terrible effort now.

I gaze out to my purse again, the ring Louis gave me yesterday is in there...

His probably at the airport right now, waiting, waiting for his plane to arrive and take him to London. I wonder what his thinking right now, is he thinking of me like im thinki..

"RENAE!" Dan shouts again, this time bringing the camera down in defeat and looking across to my stylists who also looked fed up with me. 

"Sorry, sorry" i mumble repetitively stepping backwards a little to the centre like i heard him ask before.

My heel catches the dress and i stumble a bit causing Dan to groan in frustration.

"REN.." i cut him off before he gets a chance to yell at me again.

"Im sorry, i cant do it today just, i cant" i run to the change room and tug at the tight zip on my side. "Ughh" i tug again until it comes loose easily sliding down the rest of the way.

As i pull on my sweatpants and hoodie a sob escapes, then 2, 3 and lots following. I sit down on the wooden bench and let my head fall into my hands, whats Louis doing right now? Is he talking to fans while waiting for his plane? Fans.. girls, i panic and tug on my shoes quickly. 

I slip on my hoodie before rushing back past Dan who's talking frustratingly to one of my stylists.

"Renaee!" he screams after me as i run frantically down the hall to the glass doors that lead to the car park.

I drive as quickly as i can home, 1 hour till Louis' flight was due for boarding. Just 1 hour.

I jolt to a stop in my drive way and jump out, running to the front door.

I grab Max's lead and a bag of treats, letting him out of the house before slamming the door closed again. He hops straight into the open car door thankfully apposed to running out the front gate, that would have been a disaster.

Max has never actually stayed at a public dog kennel but I have no choice really, Ella moved to England just before her 12 month baby boy Nic was born so he has no one to stay with.

I miss the insane, crazy, funny Ella i used to hang out with 2 years ago. Now shes serious and mum like with Nic always attached to her hip. For some reason im jealous. Her and Niall they've never really had problems between them, they never even argue. They always seem to be happy no matter what as long as they are with each other around. Im jealous that his stolen my best friend in a way as well, she smiles when shes around him and Nic more than she seems to smile when around me. For some reason, even though up until well 2 days ago i was the happiest iv even been, for some reason i want to go back to 2 years ago. I want to go back to the 20 and 21 year old me, the 23 year old me just doesn't seem to work.

Max sniffs around curiously as we wait to check him in. 

Barking from several different dogs can be heard from behind different doors that lead out from the lobby.

"Hello, could i help you" the women asks cheerfully, "yeah um i need him to stay here if possible for a while and im in a rush kind of." 

She nods and hands me about 10 sheets of papers, i groan.

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