Chapter Sixteen.

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Hi guys! Update! :) I've put a song on the side bar. It isn't related to this chapter but i think that it's a really really nice song :) 

Enjoy! :)

*Harry's POV*

We were having a movie night but everyone seemed to have fallen asleep. Niall and Louis were on top of each other on the floor. Zayn and Kathryn were on the couch. Liam and Dani were on the other couch. And Jesse and I were on another couch.

We were so close to each other. Okay, I'm taking my chance here. You only live once. I'm going to kiss her.

I leaned in closer, and she leaned in closer too. Could it be possible that she wants to kiss me back?

Our faces were only inches apart. One more move and our lips could be moving in sync.

Yup, this really is it. I'm going to kiss her now.


Zayn has fallen from the couch. What a way not to let me and Jess kiss, aye.

Me and Jess backed up a bit from our position. She wasn't sitting on my lap anymore. The sound that Zayn has made also woken the others up.

"What was that?" Louis muttered with his sleepy voice.

"Probably a rat." Niall whispered.

"Yeah, a big one." I said sarcastically.

Niall and Louis looked at me with their eyes wide open, they probably didn't sense the sarcasm in my voice. They're both looking at me like there really is a big rat.

"Guys it was just Zayn." Jess finally said, ending the confusion of Niall and Louis.

Damn. I was a about to kiss her. I knew, for a fact that she wants to kiss me back. Why did Zayn have to fall?

*Jesse's POV*

"Guys, it's really late. I still need to take Dani home." Liam informed us.

"Are you sure you can drive at this late hour Li-li?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm sure. Thanks. I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye." Liam said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a wave to the boys and Kathryn. He continued walking to the door and followed by her was Dani, I gave her a hug and so did the other boys.

"Take care Li-li and Dani." I shouted as they closed the front door.

I looked back to the lads and Kathryn.

"I think we better get going as well." Zayn stood up from the floor. She grabbed Kathryn's hands and bid his goodbyes to the 4 lads. Then he went up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You still haven't told me the real deal between you and Kathryn." I whispered to Zayn's ear.

" I won't tell you anything until you tell me what's going on between you and Harry." He whispered back then winked at me.

I gave him a weird look, then I shrugged. I opened the door for her and Kathryn. I gave Kathryn a hug, she's really nice except for the fact that she made out with Zayn whilst we were together, but let's leave the past in the past.

I went back to the living room and took a seat beside Harry. The three remaining lads had their eyes glued on the TV screen.

"Hey, Jess?" Louis called.


He faced me, "Erm.. can me and Harry and Niall sleep over?"

Niall faced me as well with a big grin on his face. "Cause to tell you the truth, none of us can be bothered to drive home."

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