cold ❀ fourteen

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[年齢 15/14] (1/?)

"i'm not allowed in california ever again, brendon. how in the world is this gonna work?"

brendon pulled at the tree they were both sat under, watching the little kids walk by that reminded them of themselves when they were younger.

"i don't know," brendon said with a smile, "and to be honest, i don't really care. i never really liked dun."

tyler glared at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"but.." brendon sighed, "i do care about my best friend's happiness, so i guess i'll have to care, won't i?"

tyler smiled and nodded his head.

"i still don't trust him."

"you never really talked to him, brendon."

brendon stayed silent a moment, scratching the back of his head. tyler's face fell.

"you didn't."

"do not blame me, blame my seventh grade mind about some eighth grade dick hurting my best friend. i had to do something," he said.
tyler rolled his eyes and blowed air through his pursed lips, pouting right after. he couldn't make brendon stop cursing no matter how hard he tried so he kinda just stopped.

"what did you do to him?"

"i was in seventh grade, ty. i don't think i would do harm to a freaking eighth grader without being sceptical, especially a basketball player," brendon blushed and looked at the floor, "i just talked to him."

"awe," tyler teased, "was big bad brendon scared of a bigger and badder eighth grader?"
brendon rolled his eyes and looked away.

"apparently you weren't," brendon smirked, tugging at tyler's sweatshirt, or should we say, josh's sweatshirt, "or aren't, for that matter."

"oh, stop!" tyler whined pulling away and blushing. he hadn't taken that sweatshirt off for ages. the smell of joshua was fading slowly and it was irritating tyler to the point where he's trying to live in his scent. "don't change the subject."

"look, all i did was tell him to lay off, okay?" brendon blushed, "i don't like people hurting the people i love.."

"awe.. i love you too, bren," the brunette beauty said, laying his head in his lap and looking up to him with a smile. he turned his head and looked at the small playground, watching a little girl slide down the slide into the arms of her sibling. it made tyler feel warm inside. "remember when we used to do stuff like that?"

brendon ran his fingers through tyler's curls, looking down the the freckled pastel boy. "the days when all we'd have to worry about was what time dinner was and whose house to go to."

the little girl was laughing herself silly as she chanted that she was going on the slide again. tyler's smile began to fade.

"are you ready for high school?"

"am i ready to protect you from high school? that's the proper question."

tyler squeezed brendon's cheeks together from boredom, smiling at the face he made.

"protect me from what? i've already been to school before."

"you'll see, tyler. you'll definitely see."

"what d-do you m-mean?"

"tyler, i'm sorry baby. your father wanted to wait until you were older to tell you, but you don't deserve to be lied to. i'm sorry we kept it from you for so long," tyler's mother said with teary eyes. she tried to rub his back as he cried, but tyler only shrugged his mother's hand away.

"d-don't touch me!" he said loudly, tears falling from his eyes and off his cheeks. he wiped his red cheeks with his sleeve as he ran up his steps to his room, slamming it closed and locking the door.

he didn't even move when he closed his door, he just stood there and leaned his head against the wood, holding his mouth with his hand to cover his sobs as he squeezed his eyes shut and cried his poor little heart out.

he couldn't believe his parents both kept their divorce from him for almost a year.

tyler felt even worse that he didn't even realize it.

no wonder his father hasn't been home, and he was staying with mr. ross instead of somewhere else. he was probably getting a place to stay until he could get his own place in cali.

he didn't even hear the phone ringing on his desk, it was drowned out by his unbearable thoughts and his pains from his forehead.
it wasn't even the actual divorce that hurt tyler so much. it was the fact that they didn't trust him with the information of it that truly hurt him the worst.


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