Chapter 11

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This would have been here earlier if Wattpad DIDN'T DELETE THE 2,000 words I had for this chapter. So I had to shorten it. Thanks a lot Wattpad you're a great help.

(Rachel's POV)


Where am I? I can't move. I can't open my eyes. Am I dead? My aura is low. I'm just in darkness. Everything is black. I can hear Tanner and Andrew fighting. Everyone just trying to stop them. I want to do something but I can't. I feel a pain in my chest. I feel .... dead. All I can remember is that Beowulf and Tanner saying......... "I love you." I'm shocked. He likes me back. But should I start after Ichi? I just need to focus on getting out of here.

(Tanner's POV)
Days went by. Everyone from team DVLS came, Matt came, Erica came, Her dad came, FUCKING ICHI OF ALL PEOPLE came. But Andrew didn't come. .. HE'S HER TEAMMATE FOR FUCK'S SAKE.


Its been 3 months.. No one else except for me came anymore. Matt was the last one to come. After classes , I'd just go to the hospital. All of the hospital crew knew my name at this point. The doctors said if she didn't come back then, they'll pull the plug.

I was leaving until one of the doctors bumped into me and said " We'll pull the plug tommorrow, I best suggest you go spend so time with her and say your prayers." After he said that I rushed right back into the room. I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper , and started writing ( I'm not going to tell you You'll find what he wrote next chapter)
I folded the letter and put it next to Rachel's shoulder. After I did that, her heart rate started going really fast.

(Rachel's POV)
I'm falling. Out of the darkness. I see light. Am I going to get out of this insanity? I've just been in that hellhole for so long, I've just already lost my mind. It's just like it takes over your mind. I feel insane. I am insane.

I'm still falling. There are things behind me I can't explain. I quit. I lose. Wait, no. There is no losing. It's survival or death. Or do or die. Survival of the fittest my ass. I choose die. Why did the Beowulf come for me? Why not Matt or Andrew? Why not Tanner? I was asleep. I am asleep. But I can't wake up. SO SOMEONE WAKE ME UP! WAKE ME UP! No. I can not be woken. I'm just dead. Just plain dead Rachel. (i cannot be woken but im just a walking head a zombie floating but I got your mom deepthroatin!) My relatives and my mom are haunting me. My mom was killed by my dad. I saw the whole thing. He transformed into some tall faceless creature wearing a suit with tentacles on its back. What is my father? He never was this way to me. He loved me. When I did something wrong, he just forgive me. He knew that this world was cruel. He never hated me.I looked up to my father until that day. My question is why? Why did he kill mom? Why did he turn it that thing. How? I now know why he wanted me to stay in the basement. Because after that,I'd just fall asleep. Wake up in my bed we stitches on my arm. Fresh too. He experimented on me. He altered me to be like him.Can I turn into what he can turn into just by those three words? Could those words save me? That's my only chance. No more "I'm going to do this and that" and never do that. I don't want to be a murderer. But it's my only choice. To let the beast inside.

Go to Sleep.

Well hi dere. Wattpad fucked me over. Soooo great. Also I noticed we have over 500 reads! WOOOOOO! Thank you guys so much! This is the most reads I ever gotten for a story. I will TRY to make chapters daily. Oh yeah I put a few song lyrics there. In the comments tell me the lyrics, song, and artist. And I may have a OC contest soon! So prepare your anuses.

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