Chapter 18

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Edit: my dumbass gave the chapter title wrong name and reading the older chapters of this are cringey af

Selina woke up to see that no one was there.

As usual.

"Ah fuck my head..."

As she got out of bed, she noticed a glass of water, two pills, and a note next to it.

"You are on a hangover. Don't think too much, don't even smoke. Take the aspirins and drink the water.  Everyone is at Blake and Yang's today. Come by. Well if you feel like it.. It would be more fun that just watching TV and smoking all alone on Christmas day. Also, look under the tree. - Leo"

She got up, looked at the tree, then ran in the bathroom.

She looked like a mess. She had mascara wiped all around her eyes, lipstick messed up, and hair looking like she just got out of a fight.

She turned on the sink, and threw water on her face to wash off the makeup.  She looked up to see the face of the innocent teenager she was. The person who she hated. It hurt her to even stare at herself. She wanted to go back to being that good, whole hearted person. Instead, she was a bad, lying, cheating rebel. She took her hair out of a ponytail and let her long black hair go down her back. She ran over to the the drawer under the sink amd grabbed a case. It was really dusty, knowing that she hasn't opened it in months.

As she opened it, a cloud of dust burst out, forcing her to cough and fan the dust away. After that, a pair of glasses layed in the case. She picked them up, washed them then put them on. She looked in the mirror at herself.

"Wow, I still look the same from before..."

All of a sudden, she saw her old self wearing her glasses and school uniform walk past and stand in front of the mirror.

"You can stay like this. Drop the cigarettes and drinking and go back to the good girl you were. You can forget about what happened and hide it."

A sound of metal clanking came out of the closet as the other side of Selina, the cigarette smoking, Jack Daniels drinking, fuck everything punk side of Selina came out the closet in some ripped jeans, leather jacket, black lipstick and eyeliner.

"Or you can stay the way you are. Complete badass, cool motherfucker, annd"
She walks to the good girl Selina, and gives her a long ol' french kiss.
"Be an awesome lesbian."
Selina gulps.
"So Selina, you choose. Do you want this life?" Good Girl Selina said.
"Or this one~?" Bad Girl said, running her hair through GG Selina's hair before giving her a wet kiss.

"I dont know! I... Honestly dont know"

BG Selina goes behind her back and whispers in her ear.

"Trust me, you won't have to take shit from Leo anymore.."
"He won't hit you...
He won't abandon you.
He won't nearly leave you for some other girl."

"And you wanna know why?"

"We're gonna kill that bipolar son of a bitch."

Selina opened her mouth... She couldnt do that? Could she? Leo has been there most of her life. He's helped her through depression, saved her from assassins, and pretty much saved her life.

But he has hit her before, abandoned her in the rain, and left her buried alive in a coffin underground.

"I can't decide.. I need time.."

Selina reaches for the bathroom door but BG Selina locks it.

"You're not going anywhere."

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