(Tanner's POV)

"RTTL RTTL!" Heh,without even needing to listen for more,I knew the were my pills.The pills that turned me insane.Yet I already am.Take one pill and starting harming people.Take over 3 and I kill. I wouldn't be insane if it wasn't for that day.The day my parents hurt my best friend.Burned her.I ended up saving her.We ran away and lived as nomads. No one really cared about us,our parents hated us.We met some people, their name were Travis and Jason.They pretty cool,until we found out they were apart of the White Fang.But running away just made it worst.I kept on having fights with her on where to go,this rarely happened.Until that night,we were sleeping and next thing you know is there is a dead 13 year old girl ,a dead Ursa, and a turning mentally insane boy.That's me. Tanner Evans,oldest of a 3 boy family.Never had a simple life,always used to hurt people until I met Hanako. She was nice.Purplish hair,not stuck up.Her parents used to torture her though,Constantly beat her and call her a mistake and other things. I was still sorta insane at the time but, when Hanako tried committed suicide,I put all attention in her.I have the pills to calm me down but they don't. When I was in the mental hospital, my only hope for being real was Beacon Academy.A place learning how to fight.I always wanted to help people, but when your getting teased and made fun of,you get sick of it.Than you fight back,which causes commotion.I have a weapon, I name it Wilting Lily.It's basically a dual sided katana that well, shoots fire dust.The 200 pounds of it I got from Jason.I always wondered how he could get that. 200 fucking pounds of fire dust.Speaking of 200, it's time I take my 200mg in potassium.I drink it fast.So the taste doesn't bother me.As I finish the drink a nurse comes in and hands me a envelope.From Beacon Academy,huh.
I open it. Yeah blah blah blah blah learning fighting monster blah and we cannot say no to this mainly because you sound like a perfect student so you are accepted! But the boat was supposed to be here.TODAY!RIGHT NOW THEIR BOARDING ACTUALLY!I threw the paper in the air as I started to pack everything I had.I finished, grabbed my bags and walked out the door. I walked down the hallway to the exit as the nurses gave me applause.I walked out the door and ran to the harbor.

It's wasn't too far from the hospital.Took about 10 minutes.I walk up,very awkwardly and hand the guard the entry forms.I walk inside the ship when I bump into a girl.She drops her backpack.

(Tanner)Oops!Sorry about that.
(Rachel)It's ok.I am a bit clumsy myself.
I duck down and pick her bag and hand it to her.
(Tanner)Sooo...Hi My name is Tanner.
(Rachel)Mines is Rachel.I hope we could be on the same team.You look like a pretty good fighter.
(Tanner)Thanks.And I hope too,you fit the boot yourself.

I turn around and noticed that everyone started clapping,even Rachel.There's a group of people surrounding 4 people. One them is a Faunus ,dressed in white,in orange and red, and in green and yellow.Just to join the crowd,I start clapping too.
Then the girl in orange hugs and kisses the faunus. Well I guess their dating. I turn around and see Ozpin. He looks old but in his 50s old.As I start listening my heart begins to beat fast.I dont know why it's doing this!I keeps going faster and faster.I start to panic and sweat. Rachel notices me but focuses on Ozpin. All of a sudden,I drop to the ground and everything turns black.

(Rachel POV)
I was thinking of Tanner.He was cute, and looked smart.But he looks like he's hiding a secret.A dark one.Maybe he's adopted. I don't know,but I don't know why I should care.
I was listening to Ozpin, until I heard a thud.It sounded like a body.I turn around to see Tanner on the floor.Passed Out cold.I run to him see if he's still alive.I have no pulse.I then see a bunch of nurses take him.Everyone kept on patting me on the back for doing that. But it wasn't that big.The nurses did most of the work and we're not even sure if he's still alive.(lol portal reference)I then get to the main hall where everyone will be sleeping tonight.I was looking for somewhere to sleep. I saw 3 people talking to each other, they looked nice. I asked if i could sleep here and they said yes.So I introduced myself.

(Rachel)Hi my name is Rachel.I'm 17.
(Matt)Hello,Rachel.I'm Matt.That's Andrew and that's his girlfriend Erica.
He pointed me to a Hispanic-ish guy and a white girl.Who were making out.
(Matt)Don't worry about it.I would even try.I'm bi so yeah......They been doing that behind my back so many times today.
All of a sudden,I heard someone yell "Get room you two!" and Andrew yelled back and said "Stop hating on love just because you can't get a girl friend!"I looked at this Leo guy.He sitting next to the princess, the Faunus and the girl.I slightly put my attention back on Matt.
(Rachel)So,Matt...What do you like to do for fun
(Matt)Play video games really,when my dad wasn't around.
(Rachel)Do you know what Katawa Shoujo is? (Katawa Shoujo is my favorite game :3 Search it up)
I pulled out my laptop and showed him the screen.
(Rachel)Soo..Do you want to play with me?
We played all night and got the Lily and Hanako endings.We both agreed that we had enough of reading smut from a visual game and went to sleep.Considering the sound of my laptop was keeping everyone up even though I think Andrew was having sex with Erica though.We hadn't seen them ever we started to play.
There goes 2 teams!
BTW, i hope you play Katawa Shoujo. It's a REALLY great game.
P/C only though :P $10.00 on Steam.

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