Chapter 19

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"Ha. You're funny."

"No. I'm serious."

Leo starts to do a fake laugh.

"Why do you never fucking take me serious!? I'm not fucking joking Leo! This isn't funny."

Leo stopped laughing. "Oh."

"What do you mean by 'Oh.'! I'm fucking going upside down in my life and I need help and you're just fucking sitting here like saying fucking oh!"

"Well shit! I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't cut it when you find me dead!"

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"See, where do you think I got all that heroine?"

"Holy shit. Did you at least pay?"

"Nope. And I have till tonight to."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"We just can't leave the party like that... That would be rude."

"Well look who's talking Selina."


"So, how much was all on your 'tab'?"

"7,000 lien"

"How the fuck did you end up doing 7,000 lien worth of heroine!?"

"I didn't do all of it, I've only used it once. I sell the rest for a higher price."

"Why do you need to sell drugs when you and your sister lost wherever in the fuck of Remnant are heirs of a multi billion dollar company?!"

"I am sick everyone saying that I am only rich because of my parents. I'm fucking done with it. I need to make money of my own to show that I don't have to rely on Mommy and Daddy's bank account to live."

"You realize the easier thing you could've fucking done was get an ACTUAL JOB THAT IS LEGAL? We wouldn't have to be in this situation if you did!"

"Fine, let's just go. Get this over with now."

The two stepped out the bathroom to see Dylan and Vanessa standing in front of the door.

"So... I'm guessing you guys were 'talking' huh?"


"Jesus. How bad are you at driving!" Selina said while holding her seat for dear life.

"Whatever. Anyway, what's the plan if shit hits the fan?" Leo, looking back at Dylan.

"We fight our way out of there!" Dylan said, before raising his arm up in the air.

"That building is scrambled with thousands of Faunus, well trained  Faunus, and you think us, some random teenagers going through their second year of Beacon, are going to go in there, and give a very dangerous drug lord 7,000 lien, that don't make forget this, WE DONT HAVE, and leave without a single scratch?"

"Well, when you make it sound like that, we won't!"

"You two shut up, I need to focus on fixing something." Vanessa said, while she was trying to fix her shield.

It was hand-me-down from her dad, but she added a few new features to it and touched it up a bit.

Her trident in the meanwhile was up to shape. The golden tips of the end of where the flame comes out.

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