Chapter 17: Jack Daniels, tears, and Chinese Food

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All I am is a man I want the world in my hands

"You know I love you, right?" Ichi said, going towards Rachel for a kiss.

I hate the beach, but I stand in California with my toes in the sand

"What do you have planned for my birthday?"
"You'll see." Ichi starts the car, heading to tbe beach.

Use the sleeves of my sweater, let's have an adventure

The Corvette drives down the road with two lovers hand in hand, swearing they would never leave each other.

Head in the clouds, but my gravity's centered

"So I was planning for us to go to one of the other islands next month.."
"You know we can't do that with entrance exams for Beacon coming up!"

Touch my neck, and I'll touch yours

"How about we go next week than?"
"No catches, No friends, just me and YOU Ichi."
"Sounds like a plan"

You in those high waisted shorts ooooohhhh

Ichi slows the car down as he drives up the steep hill.

Oh,she knows what I think about

"I swear as soon as we get out of this school, I will drive you ANYWHERE you want. And after that, we'll never stop."

And what I think about

"How about Mistral?"

One love, two mouths

"For as long as you want babe."

One love, one house

The Cadillac stops at the top of the hill, showing the view of the beautiful waters around the giant hill.

No shirt, no blouse

As the boy turns off the car, his lover goes into his arms.

Just us, you find out

"I wish I could stay like this for the rest of my life. In your arms, away from all the bullshit at school, looking down on the beautiful waters with you." Rachel said, moving her hair out the way."

Nothing I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no

"Spring Break only last a week unfortunately."

Cause it's too cold (whoa)

"Then let's make the most of it."

"And I know she'll be the death of m-'

The alarm shut off as soon as Leo pressed the SNOOZE button.

He stretched his arm, and pulled out his phone and went to look at his recent text.

"we R at breakfast, hurry ur ass up." -Selina

He thought to himself, "Why the hell would the school be serving breakfast on a Saturday?"

A ding sound comes out of his phone.

"fuck, r u going 2 take any longer, we r w8ing 4 u at the dorm entrances." -Selina.

Months have gone by. Everyone had changed. Selina stopped becoming the innocent teen she was. Dylan was barely ever here. And Vanessa just stayed Vanessa.

Leo went to the closet, grabbed a shirt, some jeans, his pair of Timberlands, got dressed, and ran out the dorm.

The smoke of the cigarette comes out of Selina's mouth as she smokes her daily cigarette. She always hated it before. But she changed. The only person she talked to was Vanessa. She couldn't talk to Leo anymore. After their fallout, all she wanted was him out her life.

"Here awaits King of the Fuckboys..." Selina says as Leo walks towards his teammate.

"Whatever... Since when in the fuck did you smoke?"

"Since it randomly started to fucking snow and when you decided to  beat the shit out of me."

"Keep bringing it up huh?"

"Yeah, mainly because of the giant fucking mental scar you and my parents left on me."

"Just tell where the fuck we are going to eat and what you want."

"Blue Whale Diner and I don't want anything."

The two start walking out of the school.

The thick snow falls on the ground all over the city of Vale. The snow was unexpected. Everyone in the city was hit with a surprise this Christmas with the gift of inches and inches of snow.

"Wanna smoke?" Selina says, while pointing a cigarette at Leo.

"I don't smoke."

"Stop being the pussy you are and just smoke it..."

Leo takes the cigarette from her, lights it, and then huffs it.
He slowly puffs out the smoke out of his lungs. He coughs and he coughs, and drops it in the snow.

"Shut up! Its fucking terrible." 

The two turn the corner and walk into Blue Whale Diner (LiS fan here!), the oldest diner in Vale and still one of the best.

They walk in and go in their same usual spot. The booth next to the jukebox.

The diner wasn't too busy. There was the occasional business man in there but that was it.

"Jesus. How much I missed this place..." Selina said before picking up the menu. "They still have the same menu from 5 years ago!"

"Its Christmas Eve and Vanessa is off with her parents and Dylan is off being Dylan."

"He leaves every fucking weekend. Barely even talks to us. What the fuck is his problem?"

"I don't know Selina... Maybe his mom is sick or something."

"Even if she was, why would'nt he tell us? "

"I don't know."

"Why are you taking his fucking side Leo! Jesus.. It's like the Bella situat-

"Don't you fucking say it."

"You trusted her more than your own best fucking friend."

Leo gets up from the booth, and walks out the diner.

He couldn't stand it when she brought that up. He had put all this trust into her, and she runs and cheats on him with half the town.

"Hey Mom amd Dad. Merry Christmas. Hope you guys are enjoying it up there. Things had been a bit bad recently.. Everyone has just been seperated... And I can barely have a conversation with Selina without fighting.. I just hope everything gets better before the qualifiers for the competition.. I miss you guys. I wish I was able to spend the break with you guys."
He puts the roses on the grave, blows a kiss, and walks on into the dark night.

There are drunken bottles all over the floor, tissues, chinese takeout boxes, and half naked wasted Selina.

"Jesus Christ.... How wasted are you?"

" F-fuck you! All you do is hit me and shit."

Leo picks up Selina, puts her in the bathtub.
Selina pukes all over in the bathtub.

Leo undresses Selina, gives her some medicine, puts her back in the tub after he cleaned it, and turned on the water.

"Your puke smells like Jack Daniels, tears, and chinese food."

"Shut up."

"Also, Merry Christmas."

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