21: Night Out

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@mention a userAfter Leo's "mishap", the group decided to come with a plan the next time the try to stop White Fang occurrences, so the next time something like that happens, no one pulls off a Yang and loses an arm. Since the incident, Selina hasn't let Leo go anywhere at all. She forces herself to walk him to the restroom, to class, and even lays him in bed.

The Kingdom of Vale was going through what was known as a blizzard. This had been the Kingdom's record, over 10 to 12 inches of snow. Most residents were inside enjoying the weather with their loved ones, while Team DVLS spent their time together for once, watching a movie. The movie, was about two girls who ended up getting superpowers and trying to use it for good, but end up turning evil. By the end of the movie Vanessa started using her phone and Selina fell asleep.

"Am I the only one who notices that you can see Haley's nips through her suit for like half the movie?"

"Nah, I think every other horny single nerd like you did as well." Dylan says, before reaches over to his girlfriend to hit her ass.



"Why did you do that...." Vanessa lightly says before rubbing her butt. "Well, I was getting my point across on how Leo needs to get a girl." "Dylan, I'm good. Being single is awesome. Don't have to care about anyone else but yourself."
"Man, you have spent 16 and a half years of your life alone. Come on man."

Vanessa stops texting before she says, "You might as well just say Fine, he's not going to stop."

"Fine. Where to?"
"St Johns. Every Friday is filled with chicks."

Leo gets up from his beanbag and goes into the closet.

"Dylan, why do you know that?"

"Ummmmmm........ Yang told me!"
"Whatever. Better not be cheating on me!"

"Like I would cheat on you!" Dylan scoots over to Vanessa's side of the bed and lays his head on her chest. "You're too perfect for me to cheat on you!"

Leo walks back into the room wearing a black jacket, blue skinny jeans, and Timberland boots. "Aww. Now you two hurry up and get dressed before Selina finds out."


"How did this fatass with his hundred goons, let 4 fucking kids beat his ass!"
The two men walked around, as the saw the other armed men in pain, some dead, and some trembling for the men not to kill them.

The man in a black trench suit picks up a man by the collar.

"If you don't want me to grab your nuts hard enough to make the entire Kingdom hear your screams, talk up."

"T-there was this faunus, a-a-about your size, grey ears, u-uh and a kid got impaled on that!" The goon pointed at the same exact spot where Leo fell.

The man in the tux walked over to The spot to see. The blood was still there, despite all the snow that fell on the spot.

"Hey Jason! Go get the kit!"
Jason came back with a gym bag on his back before placing it in front of Travis.
Travis went through the bag to grab a bottle with a strange top with a red light on it. He grabbed the snow that covered the bloody debris, put it in the bottle then put the bottle back in the bag.
"Let's go. We'll find out who tried to interfere with our little game in no time."
As Dylan said, St.Johns was very busy for just a pub nearby Beacon. Vale really never enforced underage drinking. As long as you didn't do anything stupid, there's no problem with you enjoying some beer.
The three walked through the crowd, while Dylan and Vanessa have hugs and high fives on their way to the counter.
"Yo! Mercy!"
A girl with a blonde ponytail, wearing a gray tank top turns around.

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