Matt'a POV

"Matt! Get the fuck down stairs you failure." I walk downstairs with my bags. Finally,I get a break from what people call a father, I call a drunk fatass who just uses me as a punching bag. I was going to Beacon. I had gotten the fund from my mom left me and worked. I did pay the bills. I made the food. While that drunkie over there, just does nothing except drink, sleep, and beat me. I sent in the money and applied. I got accepted yesterday. I was leaving today. I might actually get a different life. Start all over and just go get a family and get a house and forget about my dad and friends. Jason and Travis. I only knew them mainly because I ran away from home and for a month I stayed with them. I know their biggest secret.They weren't from Vale, they weren't from Earth.They were mutated monsters really,they were brothers.It all happened when Cinder Rose and Roman left Earth. They were going for a dust shipment that was on a mysterious planet no one knew. They scrambled around and then decided to split up.That was a bad idea. Cinder was grabbed by two of the planet's inhabitants.They raped her. They killed her once she gave birth.Roman was on this place for months, nearly years looking for his newly wed wife. He ended the search once he found her body. He found a note, explaining what happened, he took Travis and Jason and left the planet forgetting about what happened. Later did he know,he was killed. Then, Travis and Jason had nowhere to go, so they followed their parents footsteps, and declared revenge on the four who killed their father, Team RWBY. The White Fang was the main supplier of all dust shop robberies.When I heard they were from the White Fang, I forgot about them. I had gone to Signal, only for three years until my mom died.I named my weapon after her, considering she recommended me to get a a staff that turns into nunchucks with shotgun attachments. It belonged to a friend of her who had passed. I think his name was Sun... He was dear to her, and they had each others back. Mom sadly remembers the day he died. He was shot and killed by Roman.

(Dad)What the hell is this?
He was holding my Beacon acceptance form.
"That's my free ticket out of here away from you."
"No, you're not leaving, you're staying the fuck here."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"Yes, I fucking can! Now you go can clean the dishes! Lazy fuck."

"How dare you call me a lazy fuck! You sit your fat ass here everyday, and do nothing but drink and watch TV! You KNOW WHAT! FUCK YOU DAD! I'M GONE!"
I yelled, then slammed the door on my way out.

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