Chapter 8

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Leo's POV

"I pronounce Dylan Belladonna (why do I feel weird when I write that goddamn name?) as the team's leader." Holy shit! Dylan was leader.So proud for him but jealous, just a bit jelly. We walked off the stage.

Andrew's POV

"May Matt Jones,Tanner Ramsey,Andrew Free, and Rachel Patililo please come up."

Erica wasn't on my team. Oh My god. she's was the second person I laid eyes to on in that goddamn forest! I walked up and looked at Erica, she looked devastated. "I pronounce Andrew Free as the leader of the team." I was the leader.Everyone clapped for me. Wow, a Faunus being a leader of a team, surprising!

Dylan's POV

We stood and watched the other teams be formed. He told us our dorm numbers and ended the assembly. Mai gawd,II'm going to be living in a academy with my friends for 4 years! Shit will go down. Ozpin stopped me on the way.

"By the way, you have a very special dorm, mainly because if it wasn't for your mother,this school still wouldn't be up."

Special dorm, huh.

We walked to the dorm and opened the door with our cards. HOLY SHIT HE WASN'T KIDDING ABOUT A SPECIAL DORM. There was a bathroom, with a tub that is a Jacuzzi, a shower, a little kitchen, a bedroom with 2 beds,-WAIT TWO BEDS? I guess Leo and Selina are sharing.

"Dylan,call your mom and tell her you love her to the fucking moon, bro!" Typical Leo. :P I looked through the drawers of the kitchen, found a gift basket in it. It had 10,000 lein in it, some fruit and a box of condoms. It had a note on it. "Don't forget these! You're too young!" Love Yang

Yang gave me these! Can't have Vanessa find these.

Everyone set their things down and explored the place. Selina and Vanessa had went inside the bathroom and closed the door. Girl stuff. I started to chat with Leo, just to get out of the fact that I'm so bored.

(Dylan)Leo , guess what Yang gave me in a basket.

(Leo) I don't know.

(Dylan)A box of condoms.

(Leo)No fucking way.

(Dylan) Yes she did. But you can't tell Vanessa about those.

(Leo)Why? Do you want to get her "knocked up" already?

(Dylan) No. I just can't tell you.


(Dylan) Leo,do you like Selina?

(Leo) Well,yes, as friends, but if your talking about "like" in that way, no.

(Dylan) Leo,we know you have a crush on Selina.

(Leo)No I don't!

(Dylan)Yes you do! You can't deny it by the way you look at her!

(Leo)Ok,I have a small crush on her, but THAT'S IT.

(Dylan)I'm going to tell her.

(Leo)Dylan,dont! Or I'll tell Vanessa about the "hetalia" and "hentai" issue you had in 5th grade!

(Dylan)Fin-SOMEBODY SET UP THE TV SO I CAN GET MY SQUID GIRL ON! Must be Vanessa.They came out the bathroom with a million posters at hand. "LET'S END THE DAY WITH SOME ANIME!"

Leo ended setting up the TV and making a Crunchyroll and Netflix account,I felt bad for him because he would be paying 20 dollars for 4 years every month, but things happen. we decided that every Wednesday and Friday, we'd watch anime. the anime You stuck with would be the one you'd be stuck with until all the other animes ended.Nothing over 10 seasons though.We'd watch two episode of your chosen anime, then watch another persons chosen anime. If your show ends then you must wait until it all the others ended. Leo chose Attack on Titan to watch and ,that was amazing. Vanessa chose Squid Girl, loved it, hated it. All I know is Leo and Vanessa wouldn't shut up about Saniddy was a better "ship'" then Eikod Girl. I chose Girls Bravo at first, but everyone did want to watch close to hentai anime. (it's a erotic anime ^~^) I just stuck with Dragon Ball Z. Selina chose Sword Art Online, which made all of us except for her mind boggled. After that we went to sleep. Leo slept at the edge of the bed while Selina pracctally had the 3/4 of that thing to herself. I knew Leo wanted to cuddle with her. (Oh HEEEEL NO DYLAN >:|) Vanessa cuddled with me though.


Yep. Yepy. That's their dorm.

I have a feeling IRL Dylan wanted me to do things but NO.

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