(Andrew's POV)

"PANCAKES!" I guess I woke up at the right time. I rubbed my eyes,scratched my ears, and got up. Erica was saying that we wouldn't fit in because we're faunuses. Erica is a fox hybrid and I'm a wolf hybrid. It didn't matter because I still loved her.

(Andrew) Erica,don't worry.We'll make friends. We know Leo and Matt. That's two. Plus, Rachel.
( Erica) Yeah,but what if we're not on the same team? My teammates could be complete assholes to me.
(Andrew)If we don't end up on the same team,I'll make sure that doesn't happen or I'll kick their asses.
We shortly ended the conversation when we saw the cafeteria.The sign crossed out cafeteria and it said training room.


We walked outside and got on our platforms.I went next to Erica. We waited for Ozpin to arrive. He came and DAYUM! He looks really old for 47.(ronin that is.trolololololoooool.NOW YOU GOING TO DIE. lul. Knife Party.)
"Today we're going to test your skills in battling.If you can successfully go through the Emerald Forest, come back with 3 gems or 1 pawn AND a team. You pass.First person you make eye contact with will be your teammate."
People started to get launched.I brought out Killer Instinct. Killer Instinct is a spear that turns in to a marksman rifle.
First was Dylan to get launched,
Then Vanessa,
then me.

(Leo's POV)
"PWOOO!" The sound of Betty shooting through the air,my axe hybrid of a sniper rifle and shotgun.
I had grabbed my Avaitor Glasses and put them on. I looked up and saw Selina's ice platforms. But I didn't see her though.Where could sh-THUD!
I hit a tree. Goddammit. I quickly grabbed a tree branch and jumped down branch by branch until I reached the bottom.I started to sprint. Gotta find Selina.Or Dylan.Or Vanessa. JUST SOMEBODY! All of a sudden I stopped in awe of the person I just caught eyes with.Dylan.

(Dylan) So I guess this means we're teammates now?
(Leo)Yep.I think we should try to find the girls.
(Dylan)Waaaaay Ahead of ya.

We started to sprint.
(Selina's POV)

Are you sure we'll be able to find them Selina?
(Selina)For the last time YES Vanessa.
Even if you have to kill me just to see your boyfriend.
(Vanessa) I wouldn't do that!
(Selina)The Vanessa I know would.
(Vanessa) Ok..Maybe you're slightly close.
THUMP! THUMP!NTHUMP! Must be an Ursa. I grab Asaroth and crouch. it is an Ursa.. I blast a ice platform , jump on it,then hop on the Ursa's back. I get Asaroth , point it at the back of the Ursa's head, set on fire dust, and blas- PWOO! Great.

(Selina) Thanks a lot Vanessa!
(Vanessa) Hey don't get all pissy with me, that was teamwork.
(Selina) Oh really? I bet I could kill more Ursa's by myself than you ca- "LEO I THINK I FOUND THE GIRLS!" "Well no shit,Sherlock."
Dylan and Leo are here.

"(All in unison) So I guess we're a team?
(Leo) Let's get the gems and get the hell out of here.
(Selina) Have you guys seen anything yet?
(Leo) No,but I heard a mother Ursa around here.
We started to jog.We made lots of progress. We started to run until we saw a vineyard made of stone. We walked up closer and saw the gems there. We grabbed them and ran the opposite way for a second until we run into......... THE END WAIT FOR NEXT CHAPTER TO KNOW :)


a mother Ursa. We made a plan, Leo and Vanessa would distract the Ursa while me and Dylan snook up behind it.

(Selina) Yeah.

We jumped on its back only until it flung us off.We had a head start until a pack of beowolf came. Oh fuck me!

(Leo's POV)

We're fucked. So so so fucked. Being the idiot I am I attacked the beowolves.I ended up killing them all.
I grabbed Betty and starting shooting at the Ursa. The bullets would make it stumble. Dylan came in and started stabbing it. Vanessa came in and started punching it, but, Shotgun Party, kicked its ass.The Ursa was on the ground.Selina got Asaroth, set it to fire dust, and set the Ursa on fire. The Ursa ended up burning to death.

(Third person POV)
The 4 has gotten together after Professor Ozpin called their names.
"Dylan Belladonna,Vanessa Nikos, Leo Valkyrie,and Selina Hughes.You will be called team DVLS."

So far, mofos have been killed,The author has made 7 Knife Party references in this, and You've learned I'm lazy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.You need to listen to Knife Party, Internet Friends. Knife Party helped me write this, the music was so inspirational,for loud as hell dubstep.

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