Chapter 10

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(??? POV)

(???) Good job bro, you now have 350,7 more than me.
(???)1,000 more and we'll beat dad's record in a no time!
(???) I miss mom and dad.
(???) I do too,Jason.
(Jason) we need to find her Travis.We need to find Ruby Rose, and avenge dad's death, then take over Vale.
(Travis)Even if we die before we take over, Dad would still be proud.
(Josh)WOULD YOU TWO HELP ME HERE! CARRYING 270 pounds of dust is hard.
(Travis) Fine, calm your pink nipple titties ya Jew (sorry if your Jewish , the Travis in know IRL would say that.)
The brothers picked the boxes of dust and loaded them in the plane. They hopped on , the brothers sitting in the only seats and having Josh in the back with the boxes.At first , the flying wasn't that bad until, Travis was constantly barrel rolling,.

(Dylan POV)

" So introduce yourself, Mr.Belladonna..(dat last name XD)

Well, shit. He said my last name.The class laughing and Leo and Vanessa were smirking.

"Hello,I'm Dylan, 17, cat faunus, coffee addict, have (lesbian moms :3) a girlfriend and placed 2nd beat student in Signal, also, my "moms" kinda helped saving Vale."

"Very interesting... Now introduce yourself Ms.Nikkos,"

"Vanessa here, 16, human, tea lover, have a father who hates this school, and placed 3rd best student in Signal, and my mom was on a box of Pumpkin Pete's."

I smirked. The class kept on saying "Oh, that's your mom."

"Intriguing... now you Mr.Valkyrie...

"Name's Leonardo, but just call me Leo for short, 17, human, coffee and tea addict, animals hate me, and I placed 4th best student in Signal,also,my parents died defeating Roman Torchwick..

"What is with you teenagers and hot beverages!?!?!

The room was silent until these 3 boys in the back were laughing their asses.

"Hey you, stooges, tell me whats your names."

"You finally notice me.Name's Jay Winchester but call me Ichi,rolls off the tongue, ladies love it.17, have a mean skill at playing guitar. That's Stormer and Spencer over there. Also the #1 poker player in Vale."

(Leo) So you're NaughtKidTown!

(Ichi) What? You got a problem with that?

(Leo) Ya, I do, day of championships you beat me only because of hacks!

(Ichi) I didn't cheat it's just the fact that if I'm going on a 176-0 streak there's no point beating me.


Time Skip

"No! I lost! MY STREAK IS OVER!!!"
Ichi lost the rematch. Ichi was being a little bitch after he lost for a bit then he just gave fist bump and left. After we finished cleaning up the dorm, we decided that it was time to go to bed.

(Tanner's POV)

"RTTTTL!" What the fu- RACHEL!
I grabbed Wilting Lily and shot the Beowulf off of her.

(Tanner) Is everyone ok?
(Matt and Andrew) Ya.
(Tanner) Rachel? RACHEL?

I picked up Rachel and ran out of the dorm , we saw team DVLS and Ichi by the main dormitory room. We ran to the main building.
I looked at Rachel, she wasn't breathing, at all.


Ooooooo. Suspense.

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