Leo's POV

I smash my alarm off. It was 9:30.I have an hour to get to the ship.
I grabbed my phone and check that I had 45 unread texts.They were from Selina.

I texted back.
"Don't you think she's with Dylan?
Considering those two are like the freaking Beauty and the Beast."

I used to be friends with them until I went mental. Only person I really talked to was Selina. I lived by myself for majority of my life. My parents were murdered. Right in front of me. Those 3 were the only people that could cheer me up.I got up and tripped over my suitcase."Shit!"Nobody could here me really. I lived in a one room apartment.When I decided I was going to go to Beacon,I decided to put all my stuff in storage.I don't want to have to pay for a place I'm not going to be in for 4 fucking years. I was only sleeping on an air mattress.I folded it up.Only way I was able to stay here mainly because Selina lent me some money.I walked into the living room and looked out of the balcony.I saw something that made me run faster then Sonic the Hedgehog.THE SHIP WAS HERE AND IT WAS BOARDING PEOPLE.I grabbed my bags and ran out the house.I lived on the second floor so it wasn't to hard to get out of the complex.I ran out and hopped on my motorcycle and drove.I drove to Selina's to drop the bike off.She said she'll get her chauffeur to drive me to the ship.I put my bike in her garage and hopped in the limo.

(Selina)Hi Leo!We found Vanessa,she was with Dylan.
(Leo)Ha!I was right.Those are just so attached like glue!
(Selina)Kinda like you and Betty.
(Leo)Hey!Don't talk about my axe hybrid of sniper rifle like that!She's better than your SWORD.
(Selina)Whatever!You're like my aunt Ruby,so addicted to weapons.

We arrived at the ship,finally!
We walked onto the ship and noticed that we couldn't find Dylan or Vanessa ANYWHERE.That is until the projector came on and we saw Dylan and Vanessa huddled up by the screen.

Selina's POV
We all said hi and talked about things such as dorms and teams just to see if we would end up on the same team together.I was going to bring up the question of how Vanessa's parents let her go to Beacon but the projector came on AGAIN and showed the news."Last night, a local dust shop was robbed and we are not sure who robbed it.We believe that it was the White Fang who did this.All we know is someone stopped them but failed.but she have footage for the robbery itself." It's showed a bunch of people with guns running around until the camera closed up on two guards who were talking until, someone
fought them.That someone kinda looked liked Dylan,wait a sec.THAT IS DYLAN!I don't know why he was there honestly,I would suspect him to be with Vanessa,but,WOW!I saw Vanessa run up to him and give him a hug,

Vanessa's POV (short)
I ran up to Dylan and gave him a hug.I was proud of him.

(Dylan)What was that for?
(Vanessa)For doing the right thing.

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