Chapter 40: You bastard! (Draco pov)

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Chapter 40: You bastard! (Draco pov)


"Master Draco please come quickly!" A small house elf squeaked to me.

I looked at my mum across the table reading her paper. She looked up at me and shrugged. We both got up and followed the small being.

"Master, I need your help. Mistress Luna... hurt.... something wrong...won't wake up..." The house elf kept squeaking.

"What? What happened" I shouted.

"Come quickly!"

My heart thumped out of my chest as we entered the entrance hall. Luna was laying in a puddle of blood, she was unconcious.

"Bloody hell! Help! Someone get help!" The elf disapparated.

I rushed over and knelt by her. I could feel the blood soak through my trousers. I grabbed her hand and checked her wrist. Her pulse was weak.

A loud crack made me turn around. The healer, Jane, stood by the squeaky elf. Jane rushed over and checked her pulse.

"Did you move her? How long has she been here? Did she fall?" Jane peppered me with questions.

"No, I don't know, and I guess. Stop talking and help her, she's going to bleed to death! Just help her! She's the love of my life, I need her!" I sobbed.

Mother grabbed my arm and pulled me away. More healers appeared with a gurney. They were speaking technical medical jargon that I didn't understand. I sobbed when I heard them say "she's lost a lot of blood, it might be to late."

The team of healers lifted the gurney and turned on the spot. The disaparating sound left me shell shocked.

Mother said something and grabbed my arm tightly. I felt like I was sucked through a bendy straw and them I was lurched to a sudden stop. I blinked at the sudden bright light. We were at St. Mungo's. Mother walked over to the main desk and conversed with the secretary, she pointed down the hall. Mother returned to my side.

"Come on son, she's in room 111 in the ICU. The healer said it was very bad." Mother said.

"She can't die, Luna's all I have. I can't lose her." My voice cracked.

"Luna will make it, the babies too."

The babies. I hadn't even thought about them until then. I felt as if my walls crumbled.

"The babies." I felt my face grow damp. I was crying.

The door was barred by a mean looking man in a uniform.

"You a healer?" He grunted.


"Then no entry."

"But she's my fiancé, those are my babies she's carrying. You have to let me in!" I yelled.

"No healer, no entry."

I clenched my fist and punched him in the face. The big man fell hard and clutched his broken nose.

"Draco!" My mother shouted but I was already turning the door handle.

I saw several things at once: Luna's face was now showing purple bruises, her lip was stitched up, they were stitching  up her head wound, and a doctor was preparing a scalpel. The doctor saw me.

"Sir you can't be in here! Ricardo was only to allow healers."

"Ricardo fell." I said.

"Someone get him out of here!" The doctor shouted. Two burly assistants rushed at me. I put the bed between us.

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