Chapter 43: You Did This

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Chapter 43: You Did This

o++o++o+ Author's Note +o++o++o

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o++o++o+ Author's Note +o++o++o

The conversation between Tobias and Tris towards the end of this chapter is directly tied to Chapter 9: Revelations. It may be helpful to reread that one before moving forward with Chapter 43. I will also provide a Recap below to save you the trouble of rereading.

Recap Chapter 9: Revelations - Tobias POV

This chapter occurs BEFORE Tris has been discovered to be alive. Tobias is going by Tobias Johnson and until this point he has had no past memories come up in any way. In this chapter Tobias has realized the gang (Zeke, Christina, Caleb and Cara) are keeping a SECRET from him. Finally it is Zeke that pushes the rest of them to tell Tobias the truth. Tobias is invited to meet with: The Gang, and he is surprised with Nita and Matthew are there as well. They all explain to Tobias what they did with the first explosion, the initial Memory Serum Release, and what each of their roles where. Tobias is shocked, even more so since he was involved. In that same chapter Tobias Johnson accepts what they have all told him, and he sees that they all forgave him and Nita for the first explosion, as both were instrumental in the memory serum release that prevented the war.

Before the meeting ends, Caleb asks to speak with Tobias regarding Tris. At this point in the story, again Tobias has no memories or feelings towards presumed dead Tris. Caleb is honest with Tobias about their past, how he betrayed Tris and their parents. He also passes along the message from Tris in case she were to die, "She didn't want to leave you."

It is then that Tobias learns that Tris could have remained safe if their agreed upon plan had been followed - - but she choose to save her brother. Tobias in Ch 9 had no feelings for Tris, so it doesn't impact him. This is also when Caleb sees that Tobias is "really gone". Tobias and Caleb do not get along. As the author, my goal of chapter 9 was for Memory-Challenged-Tobias to learn this, but at that point in the story, he didn't care that Tris put her brother ahead of her future with him. But he did learn about it, and filed it away.

o++o++o+ Author's Note End +o++o++o

Chapter 43: You Did This

*Tris POV*

I check on Luke immediately after my project's morning shift in the lab. He's looking much better than even just the day before. His face lights up when I walked into his hospital room. I put a big smile on face and walk over to give him a hug.

After a couple of minutes of pleasantries he stops and stares at me.

"Did everything go OK with Kimberly last night? You seem a little...I don't know, off. What's going on?" Luke says while closely examining me.

He is always calling me out for being perceptive, but I realize in that moment that he has always been able to read me like a book. It must be a great job-skill for him.

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