Chapter 37: Chicago

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Chapter 37: Chicago

*Tris POV*

I sigh as I take off my heels and settle into the suite that Johanna secured for my visit to Chicago, it has been a very long day and I am exhausted. A long first day in Chicago, but more significantly a terrible week for me. I have an adjoining suite with John, the guard Luke assigned to me for this trip. He is also the guard that gathered me from my apartment earlier this week to bring me to my "date" with Luke. I cringe recalling my last conversation with Luke. It will probably be the last one I ever have with him.

Luke made it a point to send John as his representative to meet with me, Laura Grey, along with Johanna Reyes and her team (who were dialed in) to review my trip itinerary and basic security for the Chicago trip. John stated that Mr. Clark has higher priority items on his plate and that he has delegated security of my trip to John.

It will be a three night visit, with numerous activities and meetings planned per day. My personal request was to be able to visit my old home in Abnegation and also spend some time at the Dauntless compound. John, while not looking at me, relayed the message that 'Mr. Clark' had agreed to work both of my requests into the final schedule. I notice that John would only look at me when absolutely necessary. I don't think Luke told anyone the exact details – but I am sure John and Catalina must suspect I have done something terrible to make Luke act this way. Which I did.

Earlier today I was able to go to Abnegation. John and the police officers that are part of our detail gave me privacy after sweeping my childhood home and clearing it as safe. After entering alone, it was a very emotional experience. I had promised Caleb I would bring something back for each of us to remind us of our parents. I walked into each room, trying to recall the last time I had stood there before Choosing Day. I think about my parents, tears filling my eyes. Part of me wishes I could go back in time, even if for just a moment to spend an evening with mom, dad and Caleb. I saved my room for last, I laid down and tried to remember what it felt like to sleep in this bed, before my life changed so drastically. And then it was time to leave it behind, in the past.

After my shower and slipping on my PJs I sit down to go over my itinerary for day two. I will be accompanying Johanna to her leadership meeting as an observer in the morning. Cameras will be present to capture the meeting and then a brief interview so I can go over some questions about what like is like for me at the bureau. I mentally prepare myself for the cheerful lines that I need to have ready. My great job, the amazing support system, the head of bureau security who now hates me and holds my freedom in his hands.

I shake my head, I need to stop lamenting over Luke. We are done, all that is left now is the fear that he may change his mind about not turning me in. The day after my confrontation with Luke I hosted a large lunch at my apartment, I made it a point to go to the store and buy ingredients for a fancy meal, a dessert and talk to anyone who would listen how I was hosting a small celebration for my brother and his new girlfriend. I invited Christina, Caleb, Cara, Matthew and Zeke - - with strict instructions that no one else was to be included. Specifically excluding Nita and Tobias. The celebration was all for show.

The moment they were inside my home and the door was shut I told them what had happened. Everyone was very concerned, and horrified this had happened. We had disarmed the cameras but there must have been a backup. What we could not figure out, is why this information was sat on for so long. Obviously whomever sent the information to Luke was counting on him to punish me and literally ruin my life. This also put all involved in great danger.

Zeke asked why Tobias wasn't included. I flinch and tell him I have had a terrible night, and that since Tobias and Nita are a package deal – I just can't deal with seeing them right now. Zeke nods his head in understanding. We all agree Tobias has a right to know, and probably even Nita. So Zeke will take the lead on telling them. We agree to lay low and hope things don't escalate – it does appear that I was made to look as the sole person responsible. I let the group know that Mr. Clark for now, is not going to turn me in. Under the agreement that will lay low and stay out of anything that can be viewed as political. I also let the team know I am on notice, one misstep and I will be turned in. No one asks me for details about Luke as no one except Christina knew we were going to date, or that we were hoping to become more than friends. I told her I didn't want to talk about it. I had already thrown away all of the roses and his card the night before, they were just a painful reminder of what could have been.

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