Part Three: Moving Forward

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The story Disremembered began immediately after Chapter 56 of the Allegiant, written by Author Veronica Roth. In this alternative universe – the Epilogue at the end of Allegiant does not happen. All characters belong to Veronica Roth.

Part One: What Happened To Four?

Walked us through what happened to Four/Tobias over the last three months while at the bureau. He has taken the memory serum and has begun to build a new life for himself. Part One ended with Tobias believing that he may have spotted Tris, the love from his past, being held in a secret medical ward in the bureau. He is determined to find out.

Part Two: What Happened To Tris?

Part Two explained how Tris was still alive, and where she has been for the last three months. Part two ends with Tobias finding her and breaking her out of the medical ward where she had been held.

Part Three: Moving Forward

In this section we will see how Tobias and Tris navigate living at the Bureau, although they are not together. Will then find their way back to each other. Or will damages be made that they will never be able to move past, at least not together.



Please remember, sometimes things need to get WORSE...before they get much BETTER! 

DISCLAIMER: This story contains implied/references to adult-intimate-situations, minor foul language, and mild violence.

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