Chapter 7: Interesting Friends I Had

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*Tobias POV*

"Did you just say WHO IS TRIS?!?! Is that seriously what you just said to me!" Christina says in a shrill-like voice. My eyes widen, I was not expecting such a strong reaction to a simple question. What the hell is the matter with this girl...I wonder if we ever dated? God, I hope not. She has a loud mouth, I am not even seeing how she is someone I would want to be friends with.

"Are you now mute too TOBIAS!?" she hisses at me. I may have just lost my memory – but I can recognize the added sarcasm when she calls me Tobias. What a witch. I notice that Zeke is firmly holding her by the wrist.

I quickly decide I have had enough of her crap for one day.  "I asked you a simple question – why not answer it? Or Christina, feel free to leave. I don't actually care which at this point."

I almost don't recognize how cold my voice sounds. The last two weeks have been a blur, but I see now that I have been treated with kindness and patience, which is a strong contrast to how this girl is acting. And I don't like it. And I sure as hell don't need it.

I then look over at Zeke, he genuinely looks so sad. I feel a pang of guilt, not because I care about him personally, but I see that my lack of recognition is hurting him. I slowly allow the air I have been holding in to slip out through my nose.

I open the door wider for Zeke and Christina to Zeke is physically dragging Christina out of my room, he turns to me one last time, "Tobias, I will be back – I promise. Be brave." I nod at Zeke, I do want to talk with him again, but alone next time.

Well that was intense. But at the same time, leaves me with so many questions. I think over the rehabilitation therapy I have been receiving, I've been given high level details of my life – but I don't recall hearing about anyone named Tris. I need more answers – and I know just who to ask.

I need to see Nita as soon as possible. I don't know if it is her age, or let's face it – her amazing looks – but I feel safe with her, comfortable. She has been a constant in my life these last two weeks. The one thing that hangs between us, I have asked her on numerous occasions about her wheelchair, but she always dismisses my questions. I find myself wanting to know more about her.

An hour passes and then I hear the familiar knock. I smile and ask Nita to come in, I open the door wide enough for her wheel chair to easily fit through the door frame. She smiles at me confidently as she wheels past me to make herself comfortable at my small kitchen table. I smile back at her, thankful she is part of my rehabilitation team.

"Tobias." She says with a small smirk.

"Nita, thank you for coming right over." I say genuinely, happy to see my friend.

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