Chapter 19: Jealousy

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Chapter 19: Jealousy

*Tris POV*

I wash my face with cold water, and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Is this really happening? I was shot, presumed dead, then in a coma for months, held against my will for testing (I think), rescued by the love of my life, the only man who has ever been strong enough for me, my perfect fit – but he also has no idea who I am. Let alone love me. Nor does he seem to care to find out.

Why would he? He has tall, dark and sexy Nita at his doorstep ogling him when he has no shirt on. I squeeze my fists and release- I am trying to calm myself. I can't worry about that horrible girl right now.

And then suddenly I feel a moment of relief. My friends and Caleb will be here soon. I bite my lip and concentrate on that. I need to be brave.

I step out of the bathroom only to see Tobias sitting on the couch where I left him. His eyes immediately finding mine. He seems to be waiting to see what I will do or say next.

It dawns on me that I will be wearing a robe and a hospital gown when our friends arrive. I look down at my robe and frown.

Four speaks first, "Tris, we should get you some actual clothes...I am not really sure where we could..."

I suddenly snap without thinking "Maybe you should have asked Nita this morning if she has any hand me downs she was done with." My voice is cold and matter of fact. His mouth literally falls open for a minute. I have rendered him speechless.

He then presses his lips shut and we just stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, neither one of us saying a word. My mind is reeling, what did I think would happen? That Tobias would jump up and assure me that Nita is nothing to him?

I think back to his words to me not that long ago, "Don't for a second think that I am interested in anyone but you." That time has passed, it is not how he feels anymore.

I finally have enough of our staring contest. He wins. It must be easy to stare me down when he feels nothing for me, while on the other hand my heart is shattering into a million pieces.

"Please let me know when they arrive." I say softly and then I turn and walk into his bedroom and quietly shut the door behind me. I just needed to get away from him. Before I do or say something else I will regret.


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