Chapter: 22 Unexplained Emotions

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Chapter: 22 Unexplained Emotions

*Four POV*

I am still fuming as our group walks through the bureau hallways following Dr. and Mrs. Grey and their team of bureau leaders, and even some medical staff. Although I know I should be concentrating on the task at hand, my mind is reeling over Zeke and his damn hands all over Tris.

I replay his words from just a week ago, when he was telling me the details I had shared with him about my last night with Tris. What was it he had said to me? Oh yes – explaining to me why he had given me countless tidbits about women and how to seduce and please when we had been friends before I took the memory serum. Zeke's exact words were: "My sexual expertise is epic - I have always had my way with the ladies. Ladies – as in plural. And being a Dauntless born helped me as well, I had years of experience."

I almost could not believe what I was seeing from the control room, and Zeke knew that I needed to watch. I was waiting for his signal before I implemented my step of the plan. Whispering in her ear, stroking her cheek. I can't even look at him I am so angry.

The worst part of all of this. I have no idea WHY I feel this way. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I actually be jealous? No, I think I just feel insulted – that must be it. He was just telling me that she is the great love of my life, and now he is moving in on her? Or something?

My thoughts are interrupted when we are ushered into a large conference room. It is the largest one I have ever seen at the bureau, I actually recognize it from my job in surveillance. This is the highest and most secure area in the compound. Instantly there is another woman offering all of cold bottles of water or juice. We say no at first, but then notice that a few of their members are enjoying a drink. Everyone seems really relaxed and happy.

"Beatrice. You look pale, you really should drink some juice. It will not help your recovery to become dehydrated." Dr. Grey advises her. Tris looks startled at his words. We are all still on edge, not knowing who did what to put her in this situation.

"What assurances do we have that your team is not responsible keeping her away. Why would you let us believe she was dead!!!?" Christina blurts out. "You need to start talking, and now!"

It is then that a woman in scrubs enters, she appears to be a nurse. Tris gasps when she sees her and walks over to give her a hug. The woman smiles warmly at her and embraces her back. "I am so glad to see you are ok! We assumed you were kidnapped for malicious reasons and not sure if you had been killed!" the nurse says, sounding so relieved.

"Everyone, this is Nurse Gabriela, she was very kind to me while I was being held in the medical ward. She gave me hope – I don't know if I would have made it without her." Tris explains to us.

"Let's all take a seat, we do owe you a lot of explanations – and then we also want to present some options to Ms. Prior for her future." Director Laura Grey states, motioning at the chairs.

I notice that Tris pulls Christina by the hand towards Caleb, and then sits in between them at the table. Zeke takes a seat on Christina's other side and then loudly calls to me, "Tobias, I have a seat right here for you!" as he pulls out the seat on his other side. I purse my lips but also feel unable to decline. I trudge over and take a seat, not looking at him again.

As much as I would like to stew in my anger, I need to concentrate on what they have to say about Tris. It dawns on me – if they had not lied to us, and made the old me think that Tris was dead... My life would be so different right now. And then I also realize that I have to take responsibility. Had I not been so weak, had I not taken the memory serum, then Tris and I... I sigh outwardly.

"You OK man?" Zeke whispers to me. I breathe in and out to control my emotions.

"You and I will talk later. Now is not the time." I coldly say. Not looking at him.

"Sounds like a plan." Zeke says, I can hear the smile in his voice. I scowl to myself. Does he not hear how pissed off I am right now?

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