Chapter 11: Tris?

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Chapter 11: Tris

*Tobias POV*

I pour myself a second cup of coffee during my shift. Sunday nights are my longest stretch, but then I have Monday and Tuesday night off. I am almost done. My current assignment is reviewing live cameras for the outside sector and prison floors, which is not a fun thing to do. And anytime there is a crime in question we alternate who drops what they are doing and begins a specific investigation. Also dependent on personal clearance level, there have been a couple of times where a time sensitive project needed immediate attention but I was firmly reminded I did not have the proper clearance.

Literally 10 minutes before I am ready to clock out my coworker Josh who still has one hour left in his shift, vomits violently into the trash can at his desk. He had been complaining of not feeling well the entire night – I guess he is coming down with something. I roll my eyes, probably something contagious as I have been sitting in the same room for the last 6 hours.

He looks at me pleadingly, mentioning the words "both ends" – seriously?! He has one hour left and he had just been assigned two screens that he could not leave unattended. And being the night shift and a Sunday we were alone. It was breaking the rules – but I trust him and he trusts me. Not to mention, we have the same level of clearance so what harm could it do?

As soon as my shift ended, I took over his station so he could go home. He set up the screens, the special monitors our department uses that only allow the intended watcher to view the screen while wearing specific goggles. At least when clearance sensitive. I made sure to use disinfectant wipes on his goggles before slipping them on and then as he RAN out screaming he owed me BIG time I continued wiping down the rest of his desk, and even the handles on his chair. I deserve a medal for this.

When I finally get situated I notice the hallways John was assigned look like a medical ward, I see a nurses station and medical equipment in the hall ways. Being so late at night/early morning, as expected it looks very quiet. This is also not the main infirmary I have personally visited or have watched on my screens before tonight. It then catches my attention that is medical wing is highly guarded. With security team members situated at main doors, and even performing scheduled walks through the hall. Not to mention the technology, I notice a badge is needed even to travel within the main hallway.

And that is when I see her. A young women in a robe, gently being escorted down a hallway, by what looks like one of the guards. It is just a glimpse, but she looked up and directly into the camera – her eyes, as if she were looking right into my eyes. I felt my blood run cold. What the hell.

Tris? Could it be Tris?! I frantically try to rewind the tape – but it turns out this feed will only allow live streaming. Her hair was blond, and looked a little longer then what I recall from the pictures I have. But it was her eyes. They were so fierce, strong and a unique grey color.

I need to find out. I need to be sure. Quickly formulating my plan, I was able to restart Josh's unused desktop and hack my way into the Bureau's systems undetected. I was on a mission –

Step 1: find out exactly where that hallway was, and the room I saw the young woman being ushered into.

Step 2: create the credentials I need to gain access.

Step 3: create a program that will disable numerous camera points on the same circuit to crash at the exact time I need it to for the next night.

My gut is telling me, if that is Tris...there is something very wrong here. Someone is hiding her, and letting the world believe she is dead. But why?

Before Josh's shift is over, I have successfully executed the first phase of my plan. I will rest during the day, and then make my move late the next night. I have to find out what is going on. I pack up my things and head out. Badging out as Josh (another broken rule).

As I turn the corner to my apartment hallway I almost run smack into Nita's wheelchair. "Oh Nita!" I cringe at how startled and high pitched my voice sounds. I intuitively know to not say a word about my plan. I don't really know who I can trust. Maybe no one.

She tells me she was just about to head to breakfast and she knew my shift was ending, she also commented that she thought she would have run into me sooner. I thank her for the offer, but I am feeling under the weather – lots of illness floating around my office. Thus why I had to work a little past my shift. She nods her head in understanding, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

I remind myself that Nita and I have not said one word about our kiss. I am really not sure what I would say, maybe that is making her sad? I still see her all the time – but there does seem to be an elephant in the room now.

I excuse myself and walk into my apartment alone, locking the door behind me. I know this is something I have to do on my own.

As I close my eyes and fall to sleep, I keep alternating between wanting it to be Tris...and not.

~~~~~~~~~~ End of PART 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~

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