Chapter: 32 The "New" Rebels

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Chapter: 32 The "New" Rebels

*Tris POV*

It has been a week since the evening of terror occurred, the orchestration of ten warnings – ten perfectly timed murders across three different locations. It had later been confirmed that all ten victims were documented as Genetically Pure. Even the two that had been in Chicago, they were GPs from the Bureau that were ambassadors sent to work with Johanna as she established the new government. Their message was loud and clear, their goal is destruction of the Genetically Pure.

The young girl that read the message has been interviewed at great lengths, Luke needed to cancel our last training session as he was called to Providence to be part of the team that questioned her in person. I look at the vase of peach roses sitting on my kitchen counter that he had delivered with the message letting me know about his trip. I find myself missing him, and hoping he is safe.

There have also been two smaller bombings in Chicago in the last two days. The death toll was higher than the original acts of violence, this time the Rebels were targeting public areas: a bus station and then an open market.

+o++++o+ Flashback +o++++o+

+o++ Control Room, Night of the ten murders ++o+

The chaos from the control room is stifling, Luke is immediately coordinating numerous departments under him – from surveillance of current feeds to look for further threats, review and analysis of the actual attacks, and then security forces on the floor to ensure the safety of civilians. My mind is reeling, why are these people claiming to be us? We are the ones that released the memory serum months ago. We also didn't kill anyone, we were just preventing a war.

I take a step back from the main floor to get out of the way, noting that Tobias has gone back to completely ignoring my presence in the room. He has returned to his personal work station, which is situated next the desk that Josh and I had been sitting at earlier today.

"Tris? Are you ok?" Luke asks me as he is suddenly in front of me, snapping me from my thoughts of Tobias.

"Luke." I whisper, and then I am unable to even put into words what I am feeling, dismayed by what is happening around us. Unexpectedly his hand is gently cradling my face, he stares at my eyes and lightly rubs his thumb across my cheek. Suddenly I forget Tobias is even in the room.

"I need to get you home safely. I have a small break, let's go quickly." Luke declares lowering his hand to his side.

I insist, knowing that he has so much responsibility on his shoulders. "No, you are needed here. I can make it back to my apartment on my own - - "

Luke cuts me off, "I will be able to really concentrate on everything, once I know you are out of harm's way. I brought you here, and I need to make sure you get home. Please Tris...don't fight me on this."

I nod my head in agreement. And that moment two men that are armed approach us, one is carrying my gym bag that had been in Luke's office. Luke turns to them and asks if everything is ready, they nod.

As I follow them out of the surveillance room I look back at Tobias, as I expected – he never turns to look in my direction. I remind myself – he doesn't care about me. That was made clear enough at dinner just the night before.

+o++++o+ End of Flashback +o++++o+

I look at my watch, the gang will be arriving to my apartment within thirty minutes. As my apartment is the largest, and our desperate need for privacy – it was decided that all of us that were involved in the original attack on the bureau would meet here. I roll my eyes, I can't believe I will have not only Tobias, but also Nita, in my home at the same time.

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