Chapter: 36 Secrets Revealed

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Chapter: 36 Secrets Revealed

*Four POV*

It has been two days since the Awards Gala. I have pretty much been keeping to myself, staying in my apartment. I note that Zeke has not called or stopped by. I am guessing he saw the live video and is completely disgusted at the thought of me and Nita.

I keep thinking about Tris. I dreamt about her again last night. Unlike my dream about death from the night before, this one was different. I think it was tied to my fear of heights.

Tris and I were climbing a long metal ladder, in my dream I have no idea where we were as I was crippled by fear and I would only look at two things. The ladder I was desperate to hold on to, and the second thing was Tris as she climbed above me. I can remember no noise from the dream, aside from the last thing I said. "Are you human, Tris?" And then I was awake.

I know Tris is moving on, as she should

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I know Tris is moving on, as she should. I just can't shake this uneasy feeling inside of me. And then I remember seeing her with Luke Clark. I push those thoughts out of my head.

I sigh as I look in the mirror and shave. Aside from the drama with Nita, I have a few important things to discuss with the team this morning. I have so many questions.

Nita came by the morning after the Gala. I didn't answer my door the first time she stopped by. When she came by again that same evening and was knocking and telling me that she knew I was inside, I opened my door and stood in the frame. I didn't allow her to come in.

+o+++o+ Flashback +o+++o+

"Are you really not going to let me come in? You want to have this conversation in the hallway?" Nita asks, I can hear the emotion in her voice.

"I didn't invite you here Nita. Just like I didn't invite you to kiss me publicly, in front of the entire country to see! I don't think you understand how upset I am right now. You had no right to do that to me, especially since you are also the head of my rehabilitation team." I say while trying to control the volume of my voice.

She visibly cringes, and then lowers her head in shame. I still don't move from the door, my arms crossed. I am livid.

She looks up from her wheelchair, tears in her eyes, "You're right. And if I could turn back time, I would make different choices. On top of feeling humiliated and heartbroken – I know that I hurt you, betrayed you even. I don't expect your forgiveness Tobias. I only came here to tell you that I am genuinely sorry."

"Not only did you hurt me, you also hurt Tris!" I spit out without thinking.

"I don't know what you mean?" she says, looking genuinely confused. "What would Tris have to do with this?"

"Tris was standing just feet from us, she had presented right before I went on – I just don't like hurting her. Especially when it is not necessary." I tell Nita.

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