Chapter Thirty

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Percy's POV

The instant Annabeth's gray eyes snapped open, I knew it was her. All of her. No more Kronos, no more eidolon. Just Annabeth. My Wise Girl.

For someone whose eyes were so alert, her voice was surprisingly drowsy. "Percy?" she muttered, looking up at me. I nodded, pulling her into me with my arms. Her hand was still gripping mine like someone had wrapped iron around my hand. Then, for the first time in longer than I could remember, I watched her cry.

They were heart wrenching sobs, as if someone had ripped her soul out. She didn't even bother to hide them, she didn't even notice the eyes watching her or, knowing Annabeth, she would have attempted to stifle them. She cried into my chest, and I let her, because she just needed someone to hold her right now. I stroked her hair and waved the others off.

As they walked away, trying their best not to look at us, Annabeth's breaths became choppy and uneven as her sobbing came to a halt. She pushed herself away from me and looked into my eyes. "Percy," she gasped, "I'm so sorry. It wasn't me, I swear it. There was an eidolon and Kronos and I lost my memory for a while. Then-" I cut her off by pulling her back into my arms.

"I know," I told her quietly, "I know it wasn't your fault. Whatever hurt me, it wasn't you. You make me stronger. You would never hurt me." Annabeth's eyes were still watery as she pulled back to look at me again. "You have so much faith in me," she said softly, putting a hand on my cheek, "If you had cheated on me, I would've just gotten my mother to smite you."

I smiled. "I highly doubt that," I said, chuckling, "You would do it yourself." Annabeth took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, looking up with a new fiery determination. Piper peeked out from behind the Hippie Zeus statue and a large grin broke out on her face. "Annabeth!" she cried, tackling the still-weak daughter of Athena. Annabeth didn't say anything, maybe it was because she was too out of breath for it, or maybe she just didn't have anything to say. Either way, she returned Piper's hug with a smile.

The Electroclan followed Piper from behind the statue, looking sheepish for eavesdropping. "It's okay, guys," I said to them, "This is Annabeth. The real Annabeth." Their expressions were guarded, but no one could really blame them. They've had to deal with me for months. They've had to witness and even experience my heartbreak for themselves, and it was not a sensation I would wish upon anyone.

Annabeth smiled uncertainly at the Glows, waiting for them to pass judgement. As expected, Abigail was the first to step up. "So you're the famous Annabeth Chase?" she asked scrutinizingly, "And you had some spirits inside your head that made you do some crazy stuff, huh?" Annabeth nodded. "You broke Percy's heart?" Annabeth pursed her lips, seemingly not quite sure what to say.

"I didn't mean to," Annabeth started slowly, "And I would never do it of my own free will. But yes. It was because of me that he was hurt, and even if I don't know exactly who to blame, for my previous situation, at least part of it has to fall on me." I inwardly winced. I knew exactly who to blame, but if I told Annabeth, well, we might have an empty spot on the Olympian Council. Abigail narrowed her eyes, and I began to get worried. Suddenly, her face cleared and she grinned warmly. "Welcome back, Annabeth Chase. I'm Abigail."

Even Annabeth was shocked at the turn of events. "Huh?" Abigail sat down one of the other beds, still talking to us. "It wasn't your fault. We know that. But you were willing to own up to it anyways because you're right. If Percy didn't care for you so much, you never would have had the chance to do break him like that. Percy loves you and everyone knows it and you recognize that even while you are his greatest strength, you are his greatest weakness." Annabeth only stared gratefully at the other girl.

She rested her head on my shoulder, satisfied. "You make good friends, Percy," she sighed, "Really know how to pick 'em, Seaweed Brain." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "They found me, Wise Girl." Michael stepped forward. "Hi, I'm Michael." Annabeth shook his proffered hand and said, "I know. I know all of you guys. I also know what Hatch plans to do next. I know that he broke an oath on the River Styx when he killed Jason, which brought on the storm, which killed Zeus. That storm was going to pass right around Manhattan, but this is Hatch's punishment. He lost me, his only chance of absolutely guaranteeing his success, and now only the Fates know what will happen."

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