Chapter Nine

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Percy's POV

I trudged into the kitchen. Okay, back up a bit. I was dragged into the kitchen by none other than Taylor and Abigail. Abi grunted, "Wow, Perce, you sure are heavy." Taylor nodded her agreement. I was quiet. I didn't trust myself to speak. 

The brown haired woman I assumed was Michael's mom turned around. She reminded me so much of my own mother that it was a miracle I wasn't sobbing on the floor. She smiled kindly, "Hi! You must be Percy. Michael has told me so much about you." I nodded politely at her, unable to smile back. It would probably come out as a grimace, anyway. "Thank you for taking care of Michael, Percy. I hear you took a bullet for him." I nod again, my gaze trailing to the twin bullet scars joining all of the other ones on my arm. They stood out. Two bullets out of my dozens of scratches and slices. I think I might just have a problem. 

She kept on smiling. Wow, she was so perky. Michael said that she was kidnapped and her husband was dead. Plus, her son travels the world for life or death situations making the strongest mortal corporation in the world mad as Nyx when me and Ann-. Okay. Taylor looked at me in sympathy. Great. I think Michael's rubbing off on me. Styx. Taylor was smiling at me again. I shrugged off Taylor and Abigail's hands from my arm and sat down at the table. 

Mrs. Vey put a plate of cookies and pancakes in front of me. I stared at them. They looked weird. I squinted closer. Nichelle nudged me, "What's wrong, Jackson? Lose your appetite?" I shrugged, looking up at the Electroclan. I don't know what's wrong. I stared at Mrs. Vey, saying, "Not to be rude, Mrs. Vey, but I think there's something off about this food. I can't put my finger on it, though." She smiled, "It's quite alright, Percy. Just take a while and think about it."

I narrowed my eyes at the offending pile of food. They looked alright. They were regular, chocolate chip cookies and pancakes. The dough and the chocolate were brown... Wait. Are cookies supposed to be brown? I don't think I've ever seen brown cookies before. They're supposed to be blue! 

I looked up quizzically, "Hey, guys, have you ever seen brown cookies before?" They looked at me strangely, like they didn't know what to say to that. I asked a perfectly normal question. What's so wrong with that? Ian scratched his head, "Um, Perce, aren't cookies normally brown?" I scrunched my eyebrow at them. Then I made a face.

"Huh?" I asked, "Aren't they supposed to be blue?" Ostin snatched a cookie up from my plate and bit into it. With his mouth full, he said, "I think they're perfectly fine. In fact, I'm gonna take another." Tessa bit her lip, saying, "No, Percy. Cookies are supposed to be brown. See?" She held up her phone. Scrolling down, she showed me that every single picture was of a brown cookie. 

I think I'm starting to hyperventilate. I'm shaking and I can't seem to draw in a breath. Abigail giggled, "Aww, little Percy's had his mind blown." They all laugh until I collapse to the ground. Cookies weren't supposed to be blue? What kind of demented world was this? Oh no. Am I in Tartarus? I looked around, but the air wasn't poisonous and the ground wasn't made of glass. 

I stood up just as Jack and Michael reached down to pick me up. "N-No, I-I'm fine. I-I've just always eaten blue cookies. I didn't even know that brown cookies existed." Tessa shook her head, "No. There are also red cookies." As if to prove her point, she put the picture of the red cookie in my face. 

I started having flashbacks. I shuddered.


 Piper put a soothing hand on my shoulder, "She probably just dropped the red food coloring."

I looked up at her from behind the waterfall spilling out of my eyes, "Seriously, Piper? Why would we have red food coloring when we eat blue food."

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