Chapter Fourteen

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Percy's POV

Just a normal day at the Hatch Islands. The walls are gray. The doors are brown. The ceiling is gray. The lights are on. The guards are out. The two prisoners who have unexplained powers are walking to their deaths at the hands of Dr. Hatch. Yup, just a normal day at the Hatch Islands.

Just a little recap of how me and Piper got into this whole mess. It totally wasn't our fault. We just forgot to take out the security camera to cut off the footage of us trying to save the caged Eagles. Okay, maybe it is our fault. Only a little. 

So it was bright winter day on the Hatch islands and la de la de la, Nichelle, Ian, Piper, Nico, Michael, Taylor, and I prance into Hades and save a couple of teens who are about to be put to death by rats. Blah, blah, blah and forget to take out a security camera and here we are!

So now that you're all caught up, let me tell you about how amazingly awesome it is to be in chains and walking down the hall with a gun pointing at your back. So great! In case anyone missed it, that was sarcasm. If anyone thinks that I actually like being restrained like this, I will hunt them down and tie them up and put Riptide at their necks. You're welcome.

Getting a little side-tracked here. Curse you, ADHD. Anyway, we have finally entered the Hatch Man Cave. It's a room that's completely gray and brown, totally drab. The Aphrodite Cabin would be ashamed. I'm surprised that Aphrodite hasn't floated down here with her little wand and been like, 'Bippity boppity boo!' like the Fairy Godmother from that movie. There was this big, black, spinny chair facing away from us to a window. Classic dictator move. The chair spun around and there was a man stroking a white cat, his eyes flashing in what I thought was recognition, although it was much more likely for it to be hatred. I half expected him to say, "I have been expecting you!" But he remained silent until our guards said, "The prisoners, Admiral-General!" I tilted my head, "Admiral-General? Don't you think that's trying too hard? You should have the call you Supreme Master Hatch. Or Fighter of Legends, Crusher of Dreams. Much flashier. You guys can have a band name, too. Hatch and the Goons. I mean-" I was cut off as one of the guards rammed the butt of his gun into my stomach. I pretended to double over in pain when really, Harley hits harder than this guy and he's like, eight. Hatch waved him off with a rather rude hand gesture that I would not replicate. "Dismissed," Hatch said, "Why don't you buffoons find another project? You've already failed me once. I would hate to have you feed the rats." The guards shook their heads rapidly and ran out the door. Only one guard remained, "But sir, they have powers. Don't you need protection?" Hatch smiled grimly. "Brave, aren't you?" Hatch sneered, "But very loyal, painfully so. Toss me their RESAT remotes and I'll be fine." 

The guard nodded and said as he tossed the remotes over, "The boy's. The girl's. Respectively, of course. Good day, Admiral-General." As he turned to run out with the others, Hatch called, "Wait!" The guard turned back around, saying, "Sir?" Hatch nodded, "I need a new EGG to replace Welch. You are now an EGG in training. Dismissed." It was Piper's turn to tilt her head in surprise. Why is that man overjoyed to be an egg? Hatch would probably split him open and eat him up. But Hatch has his own strange and demented ways. 

Now that we were alone, Hatch smiled. "You thought you could get away with this?" He sneered, "You thought that you could steal my prized Eagles and not suffer any casualties? Such ignorance to match that of my three Eagles, who believed they could kidnap EGG Welch and not be caught." Piper's hand clutched at my own, her face showing terror that her firm grip didn't match. "Um, sir," she started boldly, "Would you be so kind as to let us go?" I could feel the charmspeak rolling off her tongue in waves. But Hatch was seemingly unaffected. "And why would I do that, Piper McLean? Of course, I could make a fortune off of you by ransoming you to your father." He caught himself, snickering, "By that, I mean another fortune. You and your little street boy, although, why would I do that?" I shrugged. I wasn't worth that much. No family, next to no friends. Although I do have a pen. It's a pretty great pen. Probably worth a lot of drachmas.

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